Emre Durgut
- Katılım
- 17 Mart 2017
- Mesajlar
- 8
- Reaksiyon puanı
- 1
- Puanları
- 1
- Yaş
- 21
The computer program (GameBoost) which has been installed and used on the computer with the IP address ip adresim yazıyor : is in violation of the software terms of agreement (sections: 3, 7 and 8), as well as being in violation of international copyright law. This computer was logged over the internet with this computer program being accessed and used illegally. The information in this notice has been transmitted over the internet to the company PGWARE for immediate investigation into copyright infringement/software piracy claim(s). Information including your IP ADDRESS, ISP INFORMATION and SERIAL NUMBER entered has been obtained.
An individual with direct access to the computer with the IP address: ip adresim yazıyor has installed this copyright protected computer program (GameBoost) and has intentionally entered an illegally obtained serial number, and/or has applied a software patch to circumvent the protection mechanism(s) of this computer program to gain unrestricted access to the computer program. The illegal serial number entered and date/time of this incident is noted above.
Copies of this information have been transmitted over the internet to the company PGWARE in regards to this matter; in order to protect our intellectual property rights as well as to investigate the manner of infringement. Removal of this computer program does not limit our legal rights or claims.
All copyright violations are investigated with the data we have obtained to determine if intentional copyright infringement and software piracy has occurred.
Beyler lütfen yardım edin ceza mı yedim şimdi full program indir ' den indirmiştim keyi girdim illegal felan dedi anlamadım
An individual with direct access to the computer with the IP address: ip adresim yazıyor has installed this copyright protected computer program (GameBoost) and has intentionally entered an illegally obtained serial number, and/or has applied a software patch to circumvent the protection mechanism(s) of this computer program to gain unrestricted access to the computer program. The illegal serial number entered and date/time of this incident is noted above.
Copies of this information have been transmitted over the internet to the company PGWARE in regards to this matter; in order to protect our intellectual property rights as well as to investigate the manner of infringement. Removal of this computer program does not limit our legal rights or claims.
All copyright violations are investigated with the data we have obtained to determine if intentional copyright infringement and software piracy has occurred.
Beyler lütfen yardım edin ceza mı yedim şimdi full program indir ' den indirmiştim keyi girdim illegal felan dedi anlamadım