Merhaba arkadaslar ben sayfama hazir bir newsscript ekledim sonrada paginationnun sytleni degistirdim .cssyle ama simdi bir problemim var sayfa sayisinin sadece 7 tane gözükmesini istiyorum yani <1234567>
ama bende 3 tane gözüküyor aslinda ilkbasdada 3 tane gözükmüyordu 16 ya kadar devam ediyordu <123456789101213141516> sonra ben newsscriptin ayarlarina gidib Haber Sayfalandirma yerine gidib {pages} {newpages} le degistirdim cünkü üste degistirirsem sadece 3 sayfa göstercegi yaziyordu bunu yaptikdan sonra 7 tane gözükmesi icin newsscriptin dosyasina gidib fuctions.phpyi acip ordada function commentspagintation bölümüne gittim orda
maxtoshowu 7yle degistirdim simdi websitemde 7 sayfa görünüyor ama diger sayfaya gitdigimde mesela 2 sayfaya gitdigimde paginationun styleyi bozuluyor class="n13_pages_active">2 yaziyor sadece 2 yazcagina
umarim yardimci olabilirsiniz simdiden tessekkürler
ama bende 3 tane gözüküyor aslinda ilkbasdada 3 tane gözükmüyordu 16 ya kadar devam ediyordu <123456789101213141516> sonra ben newsscriptin ayarlarina gidib Haber Sayfalandirma yerine gidib {pages} {newpages} le degistirdim cünkü üste degistirirsem sadece 3 sayfa göstercegi yaziyordu bunu yaptikdan sonra 7 tane gözükmesi icin newsscriptin dosyasina gidib fuctions.phpyi acip ordada function commentspagintation bölümüne gittim orda
if($type == "newpages"){
$d = 1;
$newpages = '';
$maxtoshow = 3;
function newspagintation($type){
global $amountofpages, $linkprefix, $page;
if($type == "currentpage"){
$currentpage = $page;
return $currentpage;
if($type == "previouspage"){
if($page <= 1){
$previouspage = 1;
$previouspage = ($page - 1);
return $previouspage;
if($type == "nextpage"){
$nextpage = ($page + 1);
if($nextpage >= $amountofpages){
$nextpage = $amountofpages;
return $nextpage;
if($type == "pages"){
$pages = '';
$d = 1;
while($d <= $amountofpages){
if($amountofpages == 1){
if($d == $page){
$pages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">$d</span> ";
$pages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, '0', $d, NEWSSUFFIX, $d);
$pages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, $d, $d);
return $pages;
if($type == "newpages"){
$d = 1;
$newpages = '';
$maxtoshow = 7;
if($amountofpages <= $maxtoshow){
while($d <= $amountofpages){
if($amountofpages !== 1){
if($d == $page){
$newpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">$d</span> ";
$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, $d, NEWSSUFFIX, $d);
$newpages .= "<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?$linkprefix" . "page=$d\">$d</a> ";
if($page <= 1){
$r = 1;
while($r <= $maxtoshow){
if($r == $page){
$newpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">$r</span> ";
$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s0-1-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, NEWSSUFFIX, $r);
$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, $r, $r);
}elseif($page >= $amountofpages){
$r = $page - $maxtoshow;
while($r <= $amountofpages){
if($r == $page){
$newpages .= sprintf("<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">%s</span> ", $r);
$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, $r, NEWSSUFFIX, $r);
$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, $r, $r);
$d = $page - 1;
$r = 1;
while($r <= $maxtoshow){
if($d == $page){
$newpages .= "class=\"n13_pages_active\">$d</span> ";
$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, $d, NEWSSUFFIX, $d);
$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, $d, $d);
return $newpages;
if($type == "firstpage"){
# [firstpage] & [/firstpage]
if($amountofpages == 1 || $page == 1){
$firstpagelink = "";
$firstpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_firstpage\" href=\"%s0-1-%s\"> ", PREFIX, NEWSSUFFIX);
$firstpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_firstpage\" href=\"?%spage=1\"> ", $linkprefix);
return $firstpagelink;
if($type == "prevlink"){
# [prev-link] & [/prev-link]
if($amountofpages == 1 || $page == 1){
$plink = "";
$g = $page - 1;
$plink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_prevlink\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\"> ", PREFIX, $g, NEWSSUFFIX);
$plink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_prevlink\" href=\"?%spage=%s\"> ", $linkprefix, $g);
return $plink;
if($type == "lastpage"){
# [lastpage] & [/lastpage]
if($amountofpages == $page || $amountofpages == 0){
$lastpagelink = "";
$g = $page + 1;
$lastpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_lastpage\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">", PREFIX, $amountofpages, NEWSSUFFIX);
$lastpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_lastpage\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">", $linkprefix, $amountofpages);
return $lastpagelink;
if($type == "nextlink"){
# [next-link] & [/next-link]
if($amountofpages == $page || $amountofpages == 0){
$nlink = "";
$g = $page + 1;
$nlink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nextlink\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">", PREFIX, $g, NEWSSUFFIX);
$nlink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nextlink\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">", $linkprefix, $g);
return $nlink;
function formatcommentspagintation(){
global $cpagintation, $plink, $firstpagelink, $nlink, $lastpagelink, $pages, $newpages, $ccurrentpage, $cpreviouspage, $cnextpage, $cpid, $cfriendlytitle;
$cpagintation = preg_replace('#\[prev-link\](.*?)\[\/prev-link\]#se','', $cpagintation);
$cpagintation = preg_replace('#\[firstpage\](.*?)\[\/firstpage\]#se','', $cpagintation);
$cpagintation = preg_replace('#\[lastpage\](.*?)\[\/lastpage\]#se','', $cpagintation);
$cpagintation = preg_replace('#\[next-link\](.*?)\[\/next-link\]#se','', $cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[prev-link]", $plink,$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[firstpage]", $firstpagelink,$cpagintation);
if($plink == ""){
$cpagintation = str_replace("[/prev-link]", "",$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[/firstpage]", "",$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[/prev-link]", "</a>",$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[/firstpage]", "</a>",$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[next-link]", $nlink,$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[lastpage]", $lastpagelink,$cpagintation);
if($nlink == ""){
$cpagintation = str_replace("[/next-link]", "",$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[/lastpage]", "",$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[/next-link]", "</a>",$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("[/lastpage]", "</a>",$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("{pages}", $pages,$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("{newpages}", $newpages,$cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("{currentpage}", $ccurrentpage, $cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("{previouspage}", $cpreviouspage, $cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("{nextpage}", $cnextpage, $cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("{pid}", ID, $cpagintation);
$cpagintation = str_replace("{friendlytitle}", $cfriendlytitle, $cpagintation);
return $cpagintation;
function formatnewspagintation(){
global $npagintation, $pages,$newpages,$firstpagelink,$plink,$lastpagelink,$nlink, $currentpage, $nextpage, $previouspage;
$npagintation = preg_replace('#\[prev-link\](.*?)\[\/prev-link\]#se','', $npagintation);
$npagintation = preg_replace('#\[firstpage\](.*?)\[\/firstpage\]#se','', $npagintation);
$npagintation = preg_replace('#\[lastpage\](.*?)\[\/lastpage\]#se','', $npagintation);
$npagintation = preg_replace('#\[next-link\](.*?)\[\/next-link\]#se','', $npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[prev-link]", $plink,$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[firstpage]", $firstpagelink,$npagintation);
if($plink == ""){
$npagintation = str_replace("[/prev-link]", "",$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[/firstpage]", "",$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[/prev-link]", "</a>",$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[/firstpage]", "</a>",$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[next-link]", $nlink,$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[lastpage]", $lastpagelink,$npagintation);
if($nlink == ""){
$npagintation = str_replace("[/next-link]", "",$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[/lastpage]", "",$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[/next-link]", "</a>",$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("[/lastpage]", "</a>",$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("{pages}", $pages,$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("{newpages}", $newpages,$npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("{currentpage}", $currentpage, $npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("{previouspage}", $previouspage, $npagintation);
$npagintation = str_replace("{nextpage}", $nextpage, $npagintation);
return $npagintation;
function strip_only($str, $tags, $stripContent = false) {
$content = '';
if(!is_array($tags)) {
$tags = (strpos($str, '>') !== false ? explode('>', str_replace('<', '', $tags)) : array($tags));
if(end($tags) == '') array_pop($tags);
foreach($tags as $tag) {
if ($stripContent)
$content = '(.+</'.$tag.'[^>]*>|)';
$str = preg_replace('#</?'.$tag.'[^>]*>'.$content.'#is', '', $str);
return $str;
function displayhtml($str){
$str = str_replace("&","&",$str);
$str = str_replace("<","<",$str);
$str = str_replace(">",">",$str);
$str = str_replace("\"",""",$str);
return $str;
function addrating($parent, $value){
###update rating system
$alreadyrated = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT COUNT(uid) AS alreadyrated FROM " . NEWS_RATING . " WHERE ip = ? AND storyid = ?", $ip, $parent);
$alreadyrated = $alreadyrated['0']['alreadyrated'];
if($alreadyrated == (int)"1"){
return "Already rated";
#make sure the user enters onl 1-5
if($value == (int)"1" || $value == (int)"2" || $value == (int)"3" || $value == (int)"4" || $value == (int)"5"){
#add rating
DataAccess::put("INSERT INTO " . NEWS_RATING . " (vote,ip,storyid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $value, $ip, $parent);
$average = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT avg(vote) AS average FROM " . NEWS_RATING . " WHERE storyid = ?", $parent);
$average = $average['0']['average'];
DataAccess::put("UPDATE " . NEWS_ARTICLES . " SET rating = ? WHERE id = ?", $average, $parent);
return "Success";
#incase the user tries to post with a value other than 1-5
#do nothing
return false;
#$ratingvalue = slash2($_POST['ratingvalue']);
#echo $ratingvalue;
function nothingtoseehere($str){
//move along now
return $str . base64_decode("PGRpdiBzdHlsZT0idGV4dC1hbGlnbjogY2VudGVyOyBmb250LWZhbWlseTogVmVyZGFuYTsgZm9udC1zaXplOiA4cHQiPlBvd2VyZWQgYnkgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL25ldHdvcmstMTMuY29tIj5OLTEzIE5ld3M8L2E+PC9kaXY+");
function dologout(){
DataAccess::put("UPDATE " . NEWS_USERS . " SET cookie = ? , language = ? WHERE uid = ?", "", "", $_SESSION['uid']);
setcookie('data', false);
setcookie('name', false);
setcookie('language', false);
header ("Location: ?");
function setcookies($name,$uid,$language){
$hash = rand(0,9999999);
$hash = md5(SALT . $hash);
if(!file_exists(ABSPATH . '/language/' . basename($_SESSION['language']) . '.php')){
$language = 'English';
DataAccess::put("UPDATE " . NEWS_USERS . " SET cookie = ?, language = ? WHERE user = ?", $hash, $language, $name);
setcookie("data", $hash, time()+60*60*24*90);
setcookie("name", $name, time()+60*60*24*90);
setcookie("language", $language, time()+60*60*24*90);
function checkcookie(){
$_COOKIE['data'] = (empty($_COOKIE['data'])) ? '' : $_COOKIE['data'];
$_COOKIE['name'] = (empty($_COOKIE['name'])) ? '' : $_COOKIE['name'];
$data = $_COOKIE['data'];
$user = $_COOKIE['name'];
$cookie_exists = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT email, user, uid, language FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE user = ? AND cookie = ?", $user, $data);
if(count($cookie_exists) > 0){
$uid = $cookie_exists['0']['uid'];
$language = $cookie_exists['0']['language'];
$name = $cookie_exists['0']['user'];
$email = $cookie_exists['0']['email'];
$_SESSION['userlogged20'] = "true";
$_SESSION['name'] = $name;
$_SESSION['email'] = $email;
$_SESSION['uid'] = $uid;
$_SESSION['language'] = $language;
function uniqueid2(){
$id = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
$id = md5($id);
$id = substr($id,0,20);
return $id;
function makefriendly($str){
$str = str_replace("%20","-",$str);
$str = preg_replace("/[^a-z\d]/i", "-", $str);
$str = str_replace("--", "-", $str);
$str = str_replace("--", "-", $str);
$str = trim($str, "-");
$str = $str . SUFFIX;
return $str;
function ascii_encode($string) {
$i = strlen($string);
$s = 0;
$encoded = '';
while($s < $i){
$encoded .= "&#" . ord(substr($string,$s)) . ";";
return $encoded;
function slash2($string) {
# if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
# return $string;
# }else{
# return addslashes($string);
# }
return $string;
function uniqueid(){
$str = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
$str = substr($str,rand(0,16),16);
return $str;
function bbcode($str,$usehtml,$style){
global $image_clickable;
$str = bb2html($str,$usehtml,$style);
return $str;
function getsmilies(){
$allsmilies = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT keycode,path FROM " . NEWS_SMILIES . " WHERE showhide = ? ORDER BY 0+ID", "1");
$smilies = '';
foreach($allsmilies AS $smiley){
$smilies .= "<a href=\"javascript:insertsmiley('" . $smiley['keycode'] . "');\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" . $smiley['path'] . "\" alt=\"" . $smiley['keycode'] . "\"></a>\n";
$jscript = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
$jscript .= " //<![CDATA[\n";
$jscript .= " function insertsmiley(key){\n";
$jscript .= " document.commentsform.message.value=document.commentsform.message.value+' '+ key;\n";
$jscript .= " document.commentsform.message.focus();\n";
$jscript .= "}\n";
$jscript .= "//]]>";
$jscript .= "\n</script>\n";
return $jscript . $smilies;
function allnews(){
global $langmsg, $postids;
$all = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT access, " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid, " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".accesslevel as accesslevel FROM " . NEWS_USERS . "
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
WHERE user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
$all = $all['0'];
$access = $all['accesslevel'];
$id = $all['uid'];
if($_GET['archives'] == "true"){
$showarchives = '1';
$showarchives = '0';
$_GET['filtercat'] = (empty($_GET['filtercat'])) ? '' : $_GET['filtercat'];
if($access == "3"){
WHERE archived = '$showarchives'";
$sql .= " AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql, $_GET['filtercat']);
WHERE archived = '$showarchives'";
$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
}elseif($access == 2){
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
WHERE (author = '$id' OR " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".accesslevel = '1') AND archived = '$showarchives'";
$sql .= " AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql, $_GET['filtercat']);
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
WHERE (author = '$id' OR " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".accesslevel = '1') AND archived = '$showarchives'";
$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
}elseif($access == 1){
WHERE author = '$id' AND archived = '$showarchives'";
$sql .= " AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql, $_GET['filtercat']);
WHERE author = '$id' AND archived = '$showarchives'";
$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
$totalnews = count($allnews);
$_SESSION['newsoptions'] = (empty($_SESSION['newsoptions'])) ? '' : $_SESSION['newsoptions'];
if($_SESSION['newsoptions'] == true){
$_POST['changeoptions'] = (empty($_POST['changeoptions'])) ? '' : $_POST['changeoptions'];
$_SESSION['amounttoshow'] = $_POST['newsoptions_amount'];
$_SESSION['sortby'] = $_POST['newsoptions_sort'];
$_SESSION['order'] = $_POST['newsoptions_order'];
$_SESSION['newsoptions'] = true;
$amounttoshow = $_SESSION['amounttoshow'];
$sortby = $_SESSION['sortby'];
$order = $_SESSION['order'];
$amounttoshow = $_SESSION['amounttoshow'];
$sortby = $_SESSION['sortby'];
$order = $_SESSION['order'];
if(!$order){ $order = 'DESC'; }
$_POST['changeoptions'] = (empty($_POST['changeoptions'])) ? '' : $_POST['changeoptions'];
$_SESSION['amounttoshow'] = $_POST['newsoptions_amount'];
$_SESSION['sortby'] = $_POST['newsoptions_sort'];
$_SESSION['order'] = $_POST['newsoptions_order'];
$_SESSION['newsoptions'] = true;
$amounttoshow = $_SESSION['amounttoshow'];
$sortby = $_SESSION['sortby'];
$order = $_SESSION['order'];
$sortby = NEWS_ARTICLES . '.timestamp';
$amounttoshow = 15;
$order = 'DESC';
$_SESSION['order'] = $order;
$_SESSION['newsoptions'] = true;
$_SESSION['amounttoshow'] = $amounttoshow;
$_SESSION['sortby'] = $sortby;
$_SESSION['newsoptions'] = true;
#$amounttoshow = 15;
#$amounttoshow = $_POST['newsoptions_amount'];
$_GET['page'] = (empty($_GET['page'])) ? '' : $_GET['page'];
$page = $_GET['page'];
$amountofpages = ceil($totalnews / $amounttoshow);
$start = 0;
$page = 1;
$page = 1;
if($page > $amountofpages){
$start = 0;
$page = 1;
$start = $page * $amounttoshow - $amounttoshow;
if($access == "3"){
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT title, story, shortstory, author, origauthor, ip, timestamp, allowcomments, short, approved, id, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".pid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS numcomments,
" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id AS postid, " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved AS postapproved,
(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS totalfiles,
(SELECT " . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author) AS authorname,
" . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . "
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
WHERE archived = '$showarchives' ";
$sql .= "AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
$sql .= " ORDER BY $sortby $order LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow";
}elseif($access == "2"){
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT title, story, shortstory, author, origauthor, ip, timestamp, allowcomments, short, approved, id, " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved AS postapproved, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".pid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS numcomments,
" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id AS postid,
(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS totalfiles,
(SELECT " . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author) AS authorname,
" . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . "
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " on " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
WHERE (author = '$id' OR " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".accesslevel = '1')
AND archived = '$showarchives' ";
$sql .= "AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
$sql .= " ORDER BY $sortby $order LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow";
}elseif($access == "1"){
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT title, story, shortstory, author, origauthor, ip, timestamp, allowcomments, short, approved, id, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".pid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS numcomments,
" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id AS postid, " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved AS postapproved,
(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS totalfiles,
(SELECT " . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author) AS authorname,
" . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . "
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
WHERE author = '$id'
AND archived = '$showarchives' ";
$sql .= "AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
$sql .= " ORDER BY $sortby $order LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow";
$d = 1;
$pages = '';
while($d <= $amountofpages){
if($amountofpages !== 1){
if($d == $page){
$pages .= "<span class=\"page2\">$d</span> ";
$pages .= "<a class=\"page1\" href=\"admin.php?action=editnews&filtercat=$_GET[filtercat]&archives=$_GET[archives]&page=$d\">$d</a> ";
if($amountofpages == 1 || $page == 1){
$plink = "";
$g = $page - 1;
$plink = "<a class=\"page1\" href=\"admin.php?action=editnews&filtercat=$_GET[filtercat]&archives=$_GET[archives]&page=$g\"><</a> ";
if($amountofpages == $page || $amountofpages == 0){
$nlink = "";
$g = $page + 1;
$nlink = "<a class=\"page1\" href=\"admin.php?action=editnews&filtercat=$_GET[filtercat]&archives=$_GET[archives]&page=$g\">></a>";
$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql, $_GET['filtercat']);
$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
$shownnews = count($allnews);
$langmsg['editnews'][1] = $langmsg['editnews'][1] . " <b>$shownnews</b> " . $langmsg['editnews'][21] . " <b>$totalnews</b> " . $langmsg['editnews'][22];
echo "<div onclick=\"toggle_section2('newsoptions')\" class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"cursor: pointer\"><div style=\"float: right\">";
echo "<span style=\"cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;\">".$langmsg['editnews'][2]."</span> </div>".$langmsg['editnews'][1]."</div><form style=\"margin: 0px\" method=\"POST\" name=\"editform\" id=\"editform\" action=\"?action=editnews&archives=" . $_GET['archives'] . "&filtercat=" . $_GET['filtercat'] . "\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body displaytable\" style=\"";
echo "display: table";
echo "display: none;";
echo "text-align: left; margin-bottom: 18px; width: 691px\" id=\"section_newsoptions\">";
if($_GET['archives']){ $archives = "true"; }else{ $archives = ''; }
echo $langmsg['editnews'][25] . " <select onchange=\"editnews_filtercat('$archives');\" id=\"filter_cat\" style=\"margin-right: 6px; margin-top: -2px\" name=\"filter_cat\">";
$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
$allowedcats = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
$d = '';
if($allowedcats !== "all"){
$a = explode(",",$allowedcats);
foreach($a as $c){
$d .= "id LIKE '$c' OR ";
$d = substr($d,0,(strlen($d) - 3));
$d = "WHERE " . $d;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " $d ORDER BY name";
$selcats = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
echo "<option value=\"\"></option>";
foreach($selcats AS $row){
echo "<option value=\"$row[id]\"";
if($_GET['filtercat'] == $row['id']){
echo " selected=\"selected\"";
echo ">" . $row['name'] . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<hr />";
echo $langmsg['editnews'][3] . " <select name=\"newsoptions_amount\">";
$amount = $_SESSION['amounttoshow'];
for($i=1; $i<=50; $i++){
echo "<option";
if($amount == $i){
echo " selected=\"selected\"";
echo " value=\"$i\">$i</option>";
$sort = $_SESSION['sortby'];
echo "</select> ".$langmsg['editnews'][4]." <select name=\"newsoptions_sort\">";
echo "<option value=\"" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".timestamp\""; if($sort == NEWS_ARTICLES . ".timestamp"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".$langmsg['selectfield'][11]."</option>";
echo "<option value=\"" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".title\""; if($sort == NEWS_ARTICLES . ".title"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".$langmsg['selectfield'][12]."</option>";
echo "<option value=\"" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author\""; if($sort == NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".$langmsg['selectfield'][13]."</option>";
echo "<option value=\"numcomments\""; if($sort == "numcomments"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".$langmsg['selectfield'][15]."</option>";
echo "<option value=\"" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved\""; if($sort == NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">Approval</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo " ".$langmsg['editnews'][5]." ";
$order = $_SESSION['order'];
echo "<select name=\"newsoptions_order\">";
echo "<option value=\"ASC\""; if($order == "ASC"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">Ascending</option>";
echo "<option value=\"DESC\""; if($order == "DESC"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">Descending</option>";
echo "</select> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"changeoptions\" value=\"".$langmsg['submitfield'][0]."\" />";
echo "<br><br></div>";
$i = 0;
$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT * FROM " . NEWS_CATS . "");
$cats = array();
foreach($allcats AS $row2){
$cats[$i] = array("name" => $row2['name'], "id" => $row2['id']);
echo "<br />";
echo "<table id=\"rows\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\"></td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"25%\">".$langmsg['editnews'][7]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"20%\">".$langmsg['editnews'][8]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0); showalleditnewscats()\">".$langmsg['editnews'][9]."</a></td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"11%\">".$langmsg['editnews'][10]." </td><td width=\"15%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >".$langmsg['editnews'][11]."</td><td width=\"15%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\">".$langmsg['editnews'][12]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\"><input name=\"allcheck\" id=\"allcheck\" onclick=\"selectall()\" type=\"checkbox\" /></td></tr>\n";
$tmpcolor = "1";
$d = 1;
$postids = array();
foreach($allnews AS $row){
if($tmpcolor == 1){
$class = "row1";
$tmpcolor = 2;
}elseif($tmpcolor = 2){
$class = "row2";
$tmpcolor = 1;
echo " <tr onmouseover=\"markfield('$d')\" onmouseout=\"unmarkfield('$d')\" id=\"$d\" class=\"$class\">\n";
$numcomments = $row['numcomments'];
if($row['allowcomments'] == "0"){
$numcomments = $langmsg['editnews'][20];
$title = $row['title'];
$totalfiles = $row['totalfiles'];
$title = "$title";
if($row['totalfiles'] > 0){
$hasfiles = "<img class=\"slink\" src=\"\" onclick=\"showhideeditnewsfiles('files_" . $d . "')\" style=\"\" />";
$hasfiles = '';
echo " <td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\"><a href=\"?action=editnews&id=$row[postid]\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Edit\" Title=\"Edit\" /></a>$hasfiles</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\"><div style=\"height: 17px; width: 136px; overflow: hidden\">$title</div></td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">";
echo $row['origauthor'];
echo $row['user'];
if($row['postapproved'] == "1"){
$approved = "<span style=\"color: #00AA00\">" . $langmsg['editnews'][14] . "</span>";
$approved = "<span style=\"color: #AA0000\">" . $langmsg['editnews'][15] . "</span>";
$groupcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT * FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = ? AND storyid = ?", "news", $row['postid']);
$catsperstory = count($groupcats);
$dcats = '';
foreach($groupcats AS $row2){
$dcats .= ":".$row2['catid'].":";
if(count($cats) > 0){
foreach($cats as $cat){
$dcats = str_replace(":" . $cat['id'] . ":",$cat['name'] .", ",$dcats);
$dcats = substr($dcats,0,strlen($dcats) - 2);
if($catsperstory > 0){
$g = "<a href=\"#\" id=\"showcatlink_$row[postid]\" onclick=\" = 'none'; document.getElementById('showcats_$row[postid]').style.display = '';\">".$langmsg['editnews'][13]."</a>";
$g = "<a href=\"#\" id=\"showcatlink_$row[postid]\" onclick=\" = 'none'; document.getElementById('showcats_$row[postid]').style.display = '';\"></a>";
echo "</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$g<span style=\"display: none\" id=\"showcats_$row[postid]\">$dcats</span>";
echo "</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . date("d-m-y" ,$row['timestamp']) . "</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$approved</td><td align=center class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\"><a href=\"?action=editcomments&pid=$row[postid]\">$numcomments</a></td><td class=\"tablebody\"><input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('check_'+$d).checked == true){ markfield('$d'); }else{ unmarkfield('$d') }\" value=\"$row[postid]\" id=\"check_$d\" name=\"selectedposts[]\">";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
if($row['totalfiles'] > 0){
echo "<tr style=\"display: none\" id=\"files_$d\"><td style=\"\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF\" colspan=\"8\">";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
echo "<tr><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" style=\"width: 136px;\">" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][23] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][12] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][33] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][24] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][34] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][25];
$files = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title, url, filesize, downloadcount, author, timestamp FROM " . NEWS_FILES . " WHERE uid IN (SELECT fileid FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = ?)", $row['postid']);
foreach($files AS $file){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">";
#echo "<img src=\"\" style=\"postition: absolute; float: left; margin-left: -20px;\" />";
echo $file['title'] . "</td>";
echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . basename($file['url']) . "</td>";
echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . $file['downloadcount'] . "</td>";
echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . round($file['filesize'],1) . " KB</td>";
echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . date("j-m-y",$file['timestamp']) . "</td>";
$uploader = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT user FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE uid = ?", $file['author']);
$uploader = $uploader['0']['user'];
echo "<td class=\"tablebody\">$uploader</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
$postids[] = $row['postid'];
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<div align=\"right\" style=\"float: right\">";
echo "<select name=\"action\" id=\"action\" onclick=\"editnewsaction();\">";
echo "<option value=\"\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][0]."</option>";
echo "<option value=\"addtoarchive\">Add to archive</option>";
echo "<option value=\"removefromarchive\">Remove from archive</option>";
echo "<option value=\"allowcomments\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][5]."</option>";
$canapprove = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".canapprove FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
$canapprove = $canapprove['0']['canapprove'];
if($canapprove == "1"){
echo "<option value=\"changeapproval\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][6]."</option>";
echo "<option value=\"resetview\">" . $langmsg['selectfield'][20] . "</option>";
echo "<option value=\"resetratings\">" . $langmsg['selectfield'][21] . "</option>";
echo "<option value=\"delete\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][3]."</option>";
echo "</select> ";
echo "<select style=\"margin-right: 2px; display: none\" id=\"allowcomments\" name=\"allowcomments\"><option value=\"1\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][1]."</option><option value=\"0\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][2]."</option><option value=\"2\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][4]."</option></select>";
echo "<select id=\"approveaction\" style=\"margin-right: 2px; display: none\" name=\"approveaction\">";
echo "<option value=\"1\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][9]."</option>";
echo "<option value=\"0\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][10]."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"".$langmsg['submitfield'][0]."\" class=\"nostyle\" onclick=\"doeditaction();\" name=\"S1\" /></div>";
if($amountofpages > 1){
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<div style=\"float: right\">$plink $pages $nlink</div>";
$_SESSION['formauth'] = md5(HASH . time());
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formauth\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['formauth'] . "\" />";
echo "</form>\n";
function selectimages(){
global $langmsg, $imageuploaddir, $imageupload_thumbnails;
echo "<div style=\"display: none\" id=\"whichbox\">x</div>";
echo "<div style=\"position: absolute; width: 580px; left: 35%; display: none; z-index: 10001\" id=\"imagebox\">";
echo "<div style=\"width:580px; height: 340px; background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] padding: 10px; border: 1px solid [URL=]#AAAAAA[/URL] position: absolute; left: -190px\">";
echo "<a style=\"float: right; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer\" onclick=\"bbcode('image','story')\">[close]</a><span class=\"header\" style=\"padding-left: 0px; background-color: #FFFFFF\">" . $langmsg['newsform'][23] . "</span>";
echo "<hr />";
echo "<input id=\"imageurl\" type=\"text\" style=\"width: 300px\" value=\"http://\" /> <input type=\"button\" onclick=\"insertimage(document.getElementById('whichbox').innerHTML,''+ document.getElementById('imageurl').value + ''); bbcode('image','')\" value=\"" . $langmsg['newsform'][24] . "\" />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<span style=\"float: right\">";
echo "<select name=\"news_selectcat\" onchange=\"newschangecatgroup();\" id=\"news_selectcat\">";
echo "<option value=\"1\"></option>";
$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
if($allowedcats['0']['cats'] !== "all"){
$e = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
if(!$e){ $e = ''; }else{ $e = "WHERE id IN ($e)"; }
$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " $e ORDER BY name");
$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " ORDER BY name");
$g = 2;
foreach($allcats AS $row){
echo "<option value=\"$g\"";
$_GET['catid'] = (empty($_GET['catid'])) ? '' : $_GET['catid'];
if(in_array($_GET['catid'], $allcats)){
echo " selected=\"selected\"";
echo ">" . $row['name'] . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</span>";
echo "<span class=\"header\" style=\"background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] padding-left: 0px\">" . $langmsg['newsform'][25] . "</span>";
echo '<hr style="clear: both; background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] border: 1px solid #FFFFFF" />
<hr style="clear: both;" />';
$b = 0;
echo "<div style=\"height: 225px; width: 580px; overflow: auto\">";
// container for loading thumbnails
echo "<div id=\"thumbnails_container\">";
#get all images not assigned to cats
echo "<div id=\"imagecat_1\">";
#echo $xsql;
$noncatimages = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT file,filesize,uploader,height,width,uid FROM " . NEWS_IMAGES . " WHERE uid NOT IN (SELECT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = 'image') ORDER BY uid DESC");
$totalfilesize = 0;
foreach($noncatimages AS $row){
$file = $row['file'];
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($imageuploaddir . $file);
if($width > 80 || $height > 80){
$new_width = $width;
$new_height = $height;
$percent = 0.9;
while($new_width > 80|| $new_height > 80){
$new_width = $width * $percent;
$new_height = $height * $percent;
$percent = $percent - 0.01;
$new_width = $width;
$new_height = $height;
$filesize = round(filesize($imageuploaddir . $file) / 1024,0);
$totalfilesize += $filesize;
$filesize .= " KB";
$x = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$x = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),SCRIPTPATH . 'uploads/' . $file,$x);
echo '<div style="float: left; width: 112px; height: 130px"><div id="'.$b.'" class="thumbnail" style="cursor: pointer">';
echo '<div style="text-align: left">';
echo '</div>';
if($imageupload_thumbnails == "1"){
echo "<img onclick=\"insertimage(document.getElementById('whichbox').innerHTML,'";
echo UPLOADPATH . $file;
echo "'); bbcode('image','')\" width=\"$new_width\" height=\"$new_height\" style=\"background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] border: 1px solid #DDDDDD\" src=\"?action=options&mod=imageuploads&thumb=" . UPLOADPATH . $file . "&height=$new_height&width=$new_width\" />";
echo '<img onclick="insertimage(document.getElementById(\'whichbox\').innerHTML,\''.UPLOADPATH . $file.'\'); bbcode(\'image\',\'\')" width="'.$new_width.'" height="'.$new_height.'" style="background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] border: 1px solid #DDDDDD" src="'.$imageuploaddir.$file.'" />';
echo '</div></div>';
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo '</div></div>';
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
function newsform($type){
global $imageuploaddir,$newsform_options, $langmsg, $imageupload_thumbnails;
$_SESSION['formauth'] = md5(HASH . time());
$uploaddir = $imageuploaddir;
$allowcomments = 1;
$day = date('d',time());
$month = date('F',time());
$year = date('Y',time());
$hour = date('H',time());
$minute = date('i',time());
$second = date('s',time());
$archive_day = date('d',time());
$archive_month = date('F',time());
$archive_year = date('Y',time());
$archive_hour = date('H',time());
$archive_minute = date('i',time());
$archive_second = date('s',time());
$neverarchive = $newsform_options['never_archive'];
$togglesummary = $newsform_options['toggle_summary'];
$allowcomments = $newsform_options['allow_comments'];
$togglearchive = $newsform_options['toggle_archive'];
$toggledate = $newsform_options['toggle_date'];
$title = $langmsg['news'][50];
$story = '';
$shortstory = '';
$changecolor = "onfocus=\"'#000000'; if(this.value=='" . $langmsg['news'][50] . "'){ this.value=''; }\" style=\"width: 99%; color: #AAAAAA\" ";
if($_GET['action'] == "editnews"){
$id = $_GET['id'];
$all = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT old,title,story,shortstory,author,origauthor,ip,timestamp,allowcomments,short,approved,viewcount,rating,archivedate,neverarchive,archived,id FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . " WHERE id = ?", $id);
$title = displayhtml($all['0']['title']);
if($all['0']['old'] == "1"){
$story = bbcode(displayhtml($all['0']['story']), '1', '1');
$shortstory = bbcode(displayhtml($all['0']['shortstory']), '1', '1');
$story = displayhtml($all['0']['story']);
$shortstory = displayhtml($all['0']['shortstory']);
$togglesummary = '1';
$togglesummary = '0';
$allowcomments = htmlspecialchars($all['0']['allowcomments']);
$day = date('d',$all['0']['timestamp']);
$month = date('F',$all['0']['timestamp']);
$year = date('Y',$all['0']['timestamp']);
$hour = date('H',$all['0']['timestamp']);
$minute = date('i',$all['0']['timestamp']);
$second = date('s',$all['0']['timestamp']);
$archive_day = date('d',$all['0']['archivedate']);
$archive_month = date('F',$all['0']['archivedate']);
$archive_year = date('Y',$all['0']['archivedate']);
$archive_hour = date('H',$all['0']['archivedate']);
$archive_minute = date('i',$all['0']['archivedate']);
$archive_second = date('s',$all['0']['archivedate']);
$neverarchive = $all['0']['neverarchive'];
$changecolor = 'style="width: 99%" ';
$newsform_options['toggle_summary'] = "1";
$day = $_POST['day'];
$month = $_POST['month'];
$year = $_POST['year'];
$hour = $_POST['hour'];
$minute = $_POST['minute'];
$second = $_POST['second'];
$archive_day = (empty($_POST['archive_day'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_day'];
$archive_month = (empty($_POST['archive_month'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_month'];
$archive_year = (empty($_POST['archive_year'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_year'];
$archive_hour = (empty($_POST['archive_hour'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_hour'];
$archive_minute = (empty($_POST['archive_minute'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_minute'];
$archive_second = (empty($_POST['archive_second'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_second'];
$neverarchive = (empty($_POST['neverarchive'])) ? '' : $_POST['neverarchive'];
$allowcomments = htmlspecialchars($_POST['allowcomments']);
$title = displayhtml($_POST['title']);
$shortstory = displayhtml($_POST['shortstory']);
$story = displayhtml($_POST['story']);
$changecolor = 'style="width: 99%" ';
$togglesummary = '1';
$togglesummary = '0';
if($type == "addnews"){
echo "<form method=\"POST\" name=\"post\" action=\"?action=addnews\">\n";
echo "<form method=\"POST\" name=\"post\" action=\"?action=editnews&id=".htmlspecialchars($_GET['id'])."\">\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"692px\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders\">" . $langmsg['editnews'][7] . "</div>";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" style=\"display: block; width: 692px; height: 28px\">";
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" $changecolor class=\"newborder\" value=\"$title\" /></td>\n";
echo "</div>";
echo "</tr>\n";
#used to let javascript count how many cat sections are shown.
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>";
#echo " <hr style=\"clear: both\" />";
if($_GET['action'] == "addnews"){
$_POST['selectedfiles'] = (empty($_POST['selectedfiles'])) ? '' : $_POST['selectedfiles'];
$selectedfiles = array();
$selectedfiles = $_POST['selectedfiles'];
$id = $_GET['id'];
$allselectedfiles = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT fileid FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = ?", $id);
$selectedfiles = array();
foreach($allselectedfiles AS $row){
$selectedfiles[] = $row['fileid'];
$selectedfiles = array();
$_POST['selectedfiles'] = (empty($_POST['selectedfiles'])) ? array() : $_POST['selectedfiles'];
$selectedfiles = $_POST['selectedfiles'];
echo "\n\n\n<div style=\"position: absolute; width: 580px; left: 35%; display: none; z-index: 10001\" id=\"filebox\">";
echo "<div style=\"width:580px; height: 350px; background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] padding: 10px; border: 1px solid [URL=]#AAAAAA[/URL] position: absolute; left: -190px\">";
echo "<a style=\"float: right; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer\" onclick=\"bbcode('files','story')\">[close]</a>";
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<span style=\"float: right\">";
echo "<select name=\"news_selectcat\" onchange=\"newsfilechangecatgroup();\" id=\"news_fileselectcat\">";
echo "<option value=\"1\"></option>";
$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
$allowedcats = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
if($allowedcats !== "all"){
$e = $allowedcats;
if(!$e){ $e = ''; }else{ $e = "WHERE id IN ($e)"; }
$selectedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " $e ORDER BY name");
$selectedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " ORDER BY name");
$g = 2;
foreach($selectedcats AS $row){
echo "<option value=\"$g\"";
if($_GET['catid'] == $row['id']){
echo " selected=\"selected\"";
echo ">" . $row['name'] . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</span>";
echo "<span class=\"header\" style=\"background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] padding-left: 0px\">".$langmsg['newsform'][19]."</span>";
echo '<hr style="clear: both; background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] border: 1px solid #FFFFFF" />
<hr style="clear: both;" />';
echo "<div style=\"height: 250px; width: 580px; overflow: auto\">";
#get all files not assigned to cats
echo "<div id=\"filecat_1\" class=\"show\" style=\"width: 100%\">";
echo "<table id=\"rows\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<tr><td width=\"20%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][23]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"20%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][12]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][20]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][24]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][21]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][25]."</td><td class=\"tableshead\"></td></tr>";
$currentpath = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$currentpath = "http://" . $currentpath;
$g = $currentpath;
$x = explode("admin.php",$g);
$url = $x[0] . $uploaddir;
$tmpcolor = 1;
$d = 1;
$nocatfiles = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title,url,filesize,downloadcount,author,timestamp," . NEWS_FILES . ".uid," . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_FILES . "
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_FILES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
WHERE " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid NOT IN (SELECT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = 'file') ORDER BY " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid DESC");
foreach($nocatfiles AS $row){
$file = $row['title'];
if($tmpcolor == "1"){
$class = "row1";
$tmpcolor = "2";
$class = "row2";
$tmpcolor = "1";
$uploader = $row['user'];
$uploaded = date("j-m-y",$row['timestamp']);
$filename = basename($row['url']);
$filesize = round($row['filesize'],1) . " KB";
echo "<tr id=\"x$d\" onmouseover=\"markfield('x$d')\" onmouseout=\"unmarkfield('x$d')\" class=\"$class";
if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
echo " rowhighlight";
echo "\"><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$file</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filename</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\" style=\"text-align: right\">$row[downloadcount]<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filesize</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploaded</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploader</td><td class=\"tablebody\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$row[uid]\" onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('check_x'+$d).checked == true){ markfield('x$d'); }else{ unmarkfield('x$d') }\" id=\"check_x$d\"";
$selectedfiles = (empty($selectedfiles)) ? array() : $selectedfiles;
if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
echo " name=\"selectedfiles[]\"></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
$f = 2;
##show files for all cats the user can access
$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
$allowedcats = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
if($allowedcats !== "all"){
$a = explode(",",$allowedcats);
foreach($a as $c){
echo "<div id=\"filecat_$f\" class=\"noshow\" style=\"width: 100%\">";
echo "<table id=\"rows\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<tr><td width=\"20%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][23]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"20%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][12]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][20]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][24]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][21]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][25]."</td><td class=\"tableshead\"></td></tr>";
$filecats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT storyid,catid,type,uid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE catid = ? AND type = 'file'", $c);
foreach($filecats AS $row){
$x = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),$uploaddir,$x);
$tmpcolor = 1;
#$selectedfiles = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title,url,filesize,downloadcount,author,timestamp,uid FROM " . NEWS_FILES . " WHERE uid = ?", $row['storyid']);
$catfiles = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title,url,filesize,downloadcount,author,timestamp," . NEWS_USERS . ".user," . NEWS_FILES . ".uid FROM " . NEWS_FILES . "
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_FILES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
WHERE " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid IN (SELECT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE storyid = ? AND type = 'file')", $row['storyid']);
foreach($catfiles AS $row2){
$file = $row2['title'];
if($tmpcolor == "1"){
$class = "row1";
$tmpcolor = "2";
} else {
$class = "row2";
$tmpcolor = "1";
$filesize = round($row2['filesize'],1) . " KB";
$uploader = $row2['user'];
$uploaded = date("j-m-y",$row2['timestamp']);
$filename = basename($row2['url']);
echo "<tr id=\"x$d\" onmouseover=\"markfield('x$d')\" onmouseout=\"unmarkfield('x$d')\" class=\"$class";
if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
echo " rowhighlight";
echo "\"><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$file</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filename</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\" style=\"text-align: right\">$row2[downloadcount]<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filesize</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploaded</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploader</td><td class=\"tablebody\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$row2[uid]\" onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('check_x'+$d).checked == true){ markfield('x$d'); }else{ unmarkfield('x$d') }\" id=\"check_x$d\"";
if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
echo "name=\"selectedfiles[]\"></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " ORDER BY name ASC");
foreach($allcats AS $xrow){
echo "<div id=\"filecat_$f\" class=\"noshow\" style=\"width: 100%\">";
echo "<table id=\"rows\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<tr><td width=\"20%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][23]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"20%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][12]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][20]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][24]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][21]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][25]."</td><td class=\"tableshead\"></td></tr>";
$filecats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT storyid,catid,type,uid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE catid = ? AND type = 'file'", $xrow['id']);
foreach($filecats AS $row){
$x = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),$uploaddir,$x);
$tmpcolor = 1;
$catfiles = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title,url,filesize,downloadcount,author,timestamp," . NEWS_USERS . ".user," . NEWS_FILES . ".uid FROM " . NEWS_FILES . "
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_FILES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
WHERE " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid IN (SELECT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE storyid = ? AND type = 'file')", $row['storyid']);
foreach($catfiles AS $row2){
$file = $row2['title'];
if($tmpcolor == "1"){
$class = "row1";
$tmpcolor = "2";
} else {
$class = "row2";
$tmpcolor = "1";
$filesize = round($row2['filesize'],1) . " KB";
$uploader = $row2['user'];
$uploaded = date("j-m-y",$row2['timestamp']);
$filename = basename($row2['url']);
echo "<tr id=\"x$d\" onmouseover=\"markfield('x$d')\" onmouseout=\"unmarkfield('x$d')\" class=\"$class";
$selectedfiles = (empty($selectedfiles)) ? array() : $selectedfiles;
echo " rowhighlight";
echo "\"><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . $file . "</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filename</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\" style=\"text-align: right\">$row2[downloadcount]<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filesize</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploaded</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploader</td><td class=\"tablebody\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$row2[uid]\" onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('check_x'+$d).checked == true){ markfield('x$d'); }else{ unmarkfield('x$d') }\" id=\"check_x$d\"";
if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
echo "name=\"selectedfiles[]\"></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
#used to let javascript count how many cat sections are shown.
echo "<span style=\"display: none\" id=\"totalcatgroups\">$f</span>";
echo '</div>';
echo "<div style=\"float: right\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"Select\" style=\"margin-bottom: 30px\" onclick=\"bbcode('files','story')\" /></div>";
echo '</div>';
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<div id=\"smileybox\" style=\"z-index: 10001; width: 150px; background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] border: 1px solid [URL=]#AAAAAA[/URL] padding: 5px; margin-left: 470px; margin-top: 40px; display: none; position: absolute\">";
echo "<a style=\"float: right; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('smileybox').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('fade').style.display = 'none';\">[close]</a><span class=\"header\" style=\"background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] padding-left: 0px\">Smilies</span><hr />";
echo "<div id=\"storysmilies\">";
$smilies = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT path, keycode FROM " . NEWS_SMILIES . "");
foreach($smilies AS $row){
echo "<img style=\"cursor: pointer\" onclick=\"insertsmiley('$row[keycode]', '$row[path]', 'shortstory') \" src=\"$row[path]\" /> ";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
$bbcode = '';
$f = str_replace('{1}','shortstorysmilies',$bbcode);
$f = str_replace('{2}','storysmilies',$f);
#echo $f;
echo "<tr><td>$f</td></tr>";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td valign=\"top\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders slink\" style=\"\" onclick=\"toggle_section('article')\">" . $langmsg['newsform'][22] . "</div>";
$enablewysiwyg = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT enablewysiwyg FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
$enablewysiwyg = $enablewysiwyg['0']['enablewysiwyg'];
if($enablewysiwyg == "1"){
$useck = "ckeditor";
$useck = '';
echo "<div id=\"section_article\"";
if($newsform_options['toggle_article'] == "0"){
echo " style=\"display: none\"";
echo ">";
echo " <textarea class=\"$useck\" id=\"story\" class=\"story\" name=\"story\" style=\"width: 100%; height: 250px;\">$story</textarea>\n";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"\" onclick=\"toggle_section('summary')\">" . $langmsg['news'][51] . "</div>";
echo "<div id=\"section_summary\" ";
if($togglesummary == "0"){
echo " style=\"display: none\" ";
echo ">";
echo "<textarea name=\"shortstory\" class=\"$useck\" style=\"width: 100%; height: 250px\">$shortstory</textarea>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"width: 40%; padding-right: 5px\">";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"text-align: left;\" onclick=\"toggle_section('categories')\">" . $langmsg['menu'][9] . "<a href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\"><span></span></a></div>";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" id=\"section_categories\" ";
if($newsform_options['toggle_categories'] == "0"){
echo "style=\"width: 334px; display: none; text-align: left;\">";
echo "style=\"width: 334px; text-align: left;\">";
$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
if($allowedcats['0']['cats'] !== "all"){
$e = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
if(!$e){ $e = ''; }else{ $e = "WHERE id IN ($e)"; }
$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " $e ORDER BY name");
$num = count($allcats);
$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " ORDER BY name");
$num = count($allcats);
if($num < 1){
echo "<i>" . $langmsg['news'][52] . "</i>";
foreach($allcats AS $row){
#if($catid == $row['id']){ echo "selected=selected"; }
echo "<div style=\"float: left\"><input type=\"checkbox\" ";
if($_GET['action'] == "addnews"){
$_POST['cats'] = (empty($_POST['cats'])) ? '' : $_POST['cats'];
if(count($_POST['cats']) > 0){
if(in_array($row['id'], $_POST['cats'])) {
echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
}elseif($_GET['action'] == "editnews"){
$catids = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT catid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = 'news' AND storyid = ?", $_GET['id']);
$cats = array();
foreach($catids AS $row2){
$cats[] = $row2['catid'];
if(count($cats) > 0){
if(in_array($row['id'], $cats)) {
echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
$_POST['cats'] = (empty($_POST['cats'])) ? '' : $_POST['cats'];
if(count($_POST['cats']) > 0){
if(in_array($row['id'], $_POST['cats'])) {
echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
echo "style=\"margin-right: 1px; width: 15px; padding-left: 0px; margin-left: 0px\" name=\"cats[]\" value=\"$row[id]\" id=\"cat_$row[id]\"><label for=\"cat_$row[id]\" style=\"vertical-align: text-top; margin-left: 1px; padding-right: 20px\">$row[name]</label></div>";
echo "<br style=\"clear: both\" />";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"width: 50%\" align=\"right\">";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"text-align: left;\" onclick=\"toggle_section('comments')\">" . $langmsg['newsform'][7] . "<a href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\"><span></span></a></div>";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" ";
if($newsform_options['toggle_comments'] == "0"){
echo " style=\"width: 339px; display: none; text-align: left\" ";
echo " style=\"width: 339px; text-align: left\" ";
echo "id=\"section_comments\">";
echo "<span>Allow comments for this article</span><br /><br />";
echo "<select name=\"allowcomments\">";
echo "<option value=\"\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][0]."</option>";
echo "<option";
if($allowcomments == "1"){ echo " selected=selected"; }
echo " value=\"1\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][1]."</option>";
echo "<option";
if($allowcomments == "0"){ echo " selected=selected"; }
echo " value=\"0\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][2]."</option>";
echo "<option";
if($allowcomments == "2"){ echo " selected=selected"; }
echo " value=\"2\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][4]."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-right: 5px; width: 50%\">";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"\" onclick=\"toggle_section('date')\">" . $langmsg['news'][53] . "<a href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\"><span></span></a></div>";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" id=\"section_date\" ";
if($newsform_options['toggle_date'] == "0"){
echo "style=\"width: 334px; display: none;\">";
echo "style=\"width: 334px; \">";
echo "<span>" . $langmsg['news'][54] . "</span><br /><br />";
echo "<select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"day\">";
$i = 01;
while($i <= 31){
$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($day == $i){ echo " selected=\"selected\"";} echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"month\">";
$months = array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
$months_short = array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
$i = 0;
while($i < count($months)){
echo "<option value=\"" . $months[$i] . "\""; if($month == $months[$i]){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">" . $months_short[$i] . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
$i = "1970";
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"year\">";
while($i <= 2037){
echo "<option value=\"$i\""; if($year == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
$i = 0;
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"hour\">";
while($i <= 23){
$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
echo "<option value=\"$i\""; if($hour == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\"";} echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
$i = 0;
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"minute\">";
while($i <= 59){
$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($minute == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
$i = 0;
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"second\">";
while($i <= 59){
$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($second == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\" style=\"padding-right: 0px; width: 50%\">";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"text-align: left;\" onclick=\"toggle_section('archive')\">" . $langmsg['news'][55] . "</div>";
echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" id=\"section_archive\"";
if($newsform_options['toggle_archive'] == "0"){
echo " style=\"width: 339px; display: none; text-align: left;\" ";
echo " style=\width: 339px; text-align: left;\" ";
echo ">";
echo "<span style=\"\"><input id=\"neverarchive\" ";
echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
echo "name=\"neverarchive\" type=\"checkbox\"><label for=\"neverarchive\">".$langmsg['newsform'][18]."</label></span><br /><br />";
echo "<select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_day\">";
$i = 01;
while($i <= 31){
$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($archive_day == $i){ echo " selected=\"selected\"";} echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_month\">";
$months = array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
$months_short = array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
$i = 0;
while($i < count($months)){
echo "<option value=\"" . $months[$i] . "\""; if($archive_month == $months[$i]){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">" . $months_short[$i] . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
$i = "1970";
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_year\">";
while($i <= 2037){
echo "<option value=\"$i\""; if($archive_year == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
$i = 0;
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_hour\">";
while($i <= 23){
$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
echo "<option value=\"$i\""; if($archive_hour == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\"";} echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
$i = 0;
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_minute\">";
while($i <= 59){
$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($archive_minute == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
$i = 0;
echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_second\">";
while($i <= 59){
$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($archive_second == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 5px;\">";
echo "<button type=\"submit\" name=\"S1\" value=\"Preview\" style=\"width: 100%\">".$langmsg['submitfield'][1]."</button></td><td style=\"width: 50%; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 0px\"><input style=\"width: 100%\" type=\"submit\" value=\"";
if($_GET['action'] == "add"){
echo $langmsg['submitfield'][2];
echo $langmsg['submitfield'][3];
echo "\" name=\"S1\">\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo " </td> </tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formauth\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['formauth'] . "\" />";
echo "</form>\n";
umarim yardimci olabilirsiniz simdiden tessekkürler