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24 Şubat 2021
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çeviriyi doğru yapabilmiş miyim? bir yanlışım varsa yazarmısınız? şimdiden uğraşıp yardım edenlere teşekkürler...

BÜYÜK BEYAZ KÖPEK BALIĞI(great white shark)


büyük beyaz köpekbalığı tehlikeli bir canlıdır.Boyu 6 metre ve ağırlığı ise 1.7 tondur.Büyük beyaz köpek balığının oldulça güçlü çenesi vardır.Çenelerinde 3000 ne yakın kesici diş vardır.2 ve 14 adet yavrularlar.koku alma duyuları gelişmiştir.nesli tehlike altıntadır.Ilıman sularda yaşar.Türkiyede akdeniz,ege ve marmara kıyılarında bulunur.Balina, yunus, foklar, penguenler ile beslenir.Büyük beyaz köpek balığının yediği büyük bir av onu 1,2 ay idare eder


The great white shark is a dangerous creature. Its length is 6 meters and its weight is 1.7 tons. The great white shark has a very strong jaw. There are about 3000 incisors in its jaws. There are 2 and 14 cubs. The sense of smell is developed. Its extinction is under threat. In temperate waters It lives on the Mediterranean(akdeniz), Aegean(ege) and Marmara coasts of Turkey. It feeds on whales, dolphins, seals and penguins. A large prey eaten by a great white shark can manage it for 1.2 months.



megalodon bir nesli tükenmiş dev köpekbalığı türüdür.Uzunluğu 16 metre ağırlığı ise 40 tondur.megalodon atlas okyanusunda ve büyük okyanusta yaşamışıtır ve büyük banilarla beslenmiştir.3,6milyon yıl önce yaşamıştır.okyanuslarda yaşamış en büyük etonur canlıydı.çok güçlü çeneleri vardır. çok korkutucu ve çok tehlikeli canlılardır.nesli tükenmiştir neslinin tükenmesinin sebebi iklim değişikliğidir.ortalama yaşam süreleri 20 ila 40 yıldır.bazı insanlar onun yaşadığını ve gördüğünü söylüyor.


megalodon is an extinct species of giant shark. Its length is 16 meters and its weight is 40 tons. Megalodon lived in the Atlantic Ocean and the great ocean and fed on large whales. It lived 3.6 million years ago. It was the largest carnivorous creature that ever lived in the oceans. It has very powerful jaws. They are very scary and very dangerous creatures. Extinct. The reason for their extinction is climate change. Their average lifespan is 20 to 40 years. Some people say it lived and saw it.



büyük camgöz dünyanın 2.büyük balığıdır.10 metre uzunluğundadır en küçüğü ise 1,7 metredir. 3 ton ağırlığı vardır. deniz suyundan plankton (su bulunan akıntıyla hareket eden canlılardır) filtleyerek beslenir. beslenirekn ağızını açık tutar her saate 2000 litre deniz suyunu filtreler. burnu çok uzundur. büyük camgözün renkleri koyu gri yada siyahtır. balığın karaciğeri vücudunun %25 ni oluşturur. büyük camgöz her denizde yaşar ve soğuk ve fazla ılık olmayan denizlerde yaşar


The big shark is the second largest fish in the world. It is 10 meters long and the smallest is 1.7 meters. It has a weight of 3 tons. It feeds by filtration of plankton (living creatures that move with currents) from sea water. it feeds, keeps its mouth open and filters 2000 liters of sea water every hour. his nose is very long. The colors of the big glass eye are dark gray or black. The liver of a fish makes up 25% of its body. The great shark lives in any sea and lives in seas that are cold and not too warm.


366. Gün
5 Aralık 2019
Reaksiyon puanı
The great white shark is a dangerous creature. Its length is 6 meters and its weight is 1.7 tons. The great white shark has a very strong jaw. There are about 3000 sharp teeth in its jaws. There are 2 and 14 cubs. The sense of smell is developed. It is in danger of extinction. It lives in temperate waters. It lives on the Mediterranean(akdeniz), Aegean(ege) and Marmara coasts of Turkey. It feeds on whales, dolphins, seals and penguins. A large prey eaten by a great white shark can manage tit 1-2 months.

Megalodon is an extinct species of giant shark. Its length is 16 meters and its weight is 40 tons. Megalodon lived in the Atlantic Ocean and The Great ocean and fed on large whales. It lived 3.6 million years ago. It was the largest carnivorous creature that ever lived in the oceans. It has very powerful jaws. They are very scary and very dangerous creatures. It was extinct. The reason for their extinction is climate change. Their average lifespan is 20 to 40 years. Some people say that it has lived and they have seen it.

The Basking shark is the second largest fish in the world. It is 10 meters long and the smallest is 1.7 meters. It has 3 tons weight. It feeds by filtration of plankton (living creatures that move with currents) from sea water. It keeps his mouth open while feeding and filters 2000 liters of sea water every hour. Its nose is very long. The colors of the Basking shark are dark gray or black. Its liver forms %25 of its body. The Basking shark lives in any sea and lives in seas that are cold and not too warm.

Tüm ufak eksiklerin giderilmiş hali bu şekildedir.
24 Şubat 2021
Reaksiyon puanı
The great white shark is a dangerous creature. Its length is 6 meters and its weight is 1.7 tons. The great white shark has a very strong jaw. There are about 3000 sharp teeth in its jaws. There are 2 and 14 cubs. The sense of smell is developed. It is in danger of extinction. It lives in temperate waters. It lives on the Mediterranean(akdeniz), Aegean(ege) and Marmara coasts of Turkey. It feeds on whales, dolphins, seals and penguins. A large prey eaten by a great white shark can manage tit 1-2 months.

Megalodon is an extinct species of giant shark. Its length is 16 meters and its weight is 40 tons. Megalodon lived in the Atlantic Ocean and The Great ocean and fed on large whales. It lived 3.6 million years ago. It was the largest carnivorous creature that ever lived in the oceans. It has very powerful jaws. They are very scary and very dangerous creatures. It was extinct. The reason for their extinction is climate change. Their average lifespan is 20 to 40 years. Some people say that it has lived and they have seen it.

The Basking shark is the second largest fish in the world. It is 10 meters long and the smallest is 1.7 meters. It has 3 tons weight. It feeds by filtration of plankton (living creatures that move with currents) from sea water. It keeps his mouth open while feeding and filters 2000 liters of sea water every hour. Its nose is very long. The colors of the Basking shark are dark gray or black. Its liver forms %25 of its body. The Basking shark lives in any sea and lives in seas that are cold and not too warm.

Tüm ufak eksiklerin giderilmiş hali bu şekildedir.
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