Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.30


4 Mayıs 2008
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Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.31

Ashampoo Photo Commander Changelog

Version 7.3 - 20091130

New Features:
- Browser: Remembers if windows (folderview, fileinfo, thumbnails)
  are visible or not for next app start.
- Browser: Supports new Windows 7 progress bar in the taskbar.
- DropShadow Effect: Handles now non-rectangular shapes as well
  (good for 32bit images with flat transparency).
- Updated RAW Plugin (v2.2) to handle more different formats.
- Create Collage: Faster preview.
- Create Calendar: supports more entries for personal days.
- EditObjects: Big speed improvement for rotated images (very
  useful for collage tool).
- EditObjects: Images resize proportional always.

- Updated several controls (checkboxes, buttons) visually.
- Resize Image: Uses DPI of image instead of defaulting to 96.
- ImportPhotos: After import finished automatically opens folder
  containing newly imported files.
- Browser: Improvements to background cache.
- Resize Image: Remembers last used resize filter instead of
  defaulting to bilinear.
- FileSearch: Memory improvements.
- BatchRename: Uses EXIFdate instead of Filedate.

Bugs Fixed:
- Create Collage: Could not set background color.
- Browser: Recreating thumbnails on every draw with certain
  sizes cause of rounding error.
- Browser: Crash with border size of 0 or 1.
- TIF: problem with certain 16bit grayscale images.
- PDF: Saving *.bmp to *.pdf deleted original *.bmp.
- RAW PlugIn: Memory leak with certain formats containing
  preview image in jpg format.
- ImportPhotos: Crash when only 1 photo/video available.
- Browser: Progressbar: no additional, empty entry in taskbar anymore.
- MFA: Opening *.mfalist resulted in controls at wrong positions.
- M3U: Save from *.mfalist to *.m3u cutted parts of filename and path.
- FrameCenter: Crash when switching between frames and moving objects.
- FrameCenter: Memory leak when switching between frames or cards.
- Win7: Crash when trying to open empty Homegroup in folderview.
- BatchRedate: Was always starting at first file in folder for using
  date and time data, even though other files were selected.
- WebAlbum: Animated GIFs were converted to single frame GIFs.
- Wrong date and time for files other than JPG when sorting by EXIF Date.
  (2 hours difference).
- JPG EXIF: Crash with certain *.jpg files with certain EXIF Data.
- HD Photo: Takes care of BGR / RGB order.
- BatchProcess: Converting to PDF did not work correctly.
- Browser: Export PDF Button only active when image file selected.

Version 7.21 - 20090712
Bugs Fixed:
- PC Speaker may beep when recreating thumbnails.

Version 7.2 - 20090510

New Features:
- Typing a character in Browser automatically switches to the next
  file starting with that character (type s and loads sample.jpg).
- Updated RAW Plugin (2.1) (faster loading).
- Support for Matroska *.mkv (DivX7 required).
- Option to configure transition effect in SlideShow (Ken Burns,
  Blend Over, Random or None).
- Option to disable/enable tooltip for thumbnails.
- Import Photos: Copies or moves *.avi and *.mov files as well.

- Settings: Browser Database: Simple progress bar when optimizing database.
- Registers with *.j2k extension as well (JPEG2000 file type).
- Fullscreen: Increased delay for auto-hide controls.

Bugs Fixed:
- Crash when using Hotkey for Undo/Redo and no Undo/Redo possible.
- Browser Cache: Files with a smaller resolution at 100% scale than thumbnail 
  size were always re-cached during redraw (typically *.ico and so on).
- Fullscreen: Was showing a horizontal stripe at the top of 
  the screen.
- Browser: Was showing a horizontal stripe when switching between
  music folder style and video folder style.

Version 7.1 - 20081205

New Features:
- More languages.
- Albums display small preview images.
- New Thumbnail-5Star-Rating-Graphics.

- Fixed several checkboxes/radioitems display problems (black text color).

Bugs Fixed:
- Rotating objects: scale does not change anymore.
- SummaryView: Some items not translated.
- Some fixes to interface if Windows runs in 120DPI.
- 30-Sec-Freeze with invalid MP3.
- CopyTo/MoveTo: When using Skip command, remaining files were skipped as well.
- OpenWith displayed wrong short cut (Ctrl instead of Alt).
- Crop Cursor was shown instead of Select Cursor.

Version 7.0 - 20081126

New Features:

- Automatic use of 3D-Hardware-Acceleration for Photo Viewing and Transition Effects.

- SlideShow: Hardware accelerated with smooth Ken-Burns-Transition-Effects.

- Clipboard/Edit-Objects: Full support for 32bit alpha channels when working
  with Copy'n'Paste commands.

- Edit-Objects:
  o Easily insert funny/creative objects like hats, glasses, signs etc.
  o Easier selection of objects with mouse-over.
  o Rotate any Bitmap Object.
  o Callout Tool.

- FramesCenter:
  o New and improved Greetings Cards, Frames and Shapes.

- QuickFix:
  o Browse photos in Quick-Fix-Mode.
  o Free-Style-Select: Cut any portion of the photo in any size.
  o Improved Resize Command.

- Improved user experience:
  o Easier access and use of common tasks (eg: resize photos (Cut/Crop with predefined sizes etc)).
  o Improvements to the interface where applicable.

- Color Accent Effect.

- Wizards:
  o Print multiple photos on a single sheet with predefined sizes (eg: 9x13cm).
  o Create Panoramas.
  o Automatically **** duplicate photos.
  o Batchredate files.
  o Collage: 
    - Rearrange objects afterwards.
    - Improved Shadow/Edges Quality.
    - Renders output in 300DPI (previously 150DPI).

- Browser:
  o Database: Faster, folder-independent.
  o Browser: Small progress bar if scanning folder for EXIF Date takes a while.
  o Seamless resize of thumbnail images.
  o Quickly hide/show parts of the Browser.
  o Advanced Quick-Search with predefined file formats and advanced filtering functions.
  o Virtual albums (Favorites) for better organization.
  o Much faster and more flexible media database.

- Photo importer to easily load new photos from the digital camera onto the 
  computer in a simple and effective way.

- Improved Pencil Drawing Effect.
- Faster MP3 Tag/Codec Scan.
- Faster EXIF Date Scan.
- Improved Free-Rotate-Quality.

Bugs Fixed:
- E-Mail Wizard: Multiple attached files: only first file got attached.
- Crash in Edit-Objects if no object existed and LevelUp clicked.
- Crash in SlideShow/WebAlbum with invalid output file names.
- Crash in Browser if file name contained "%" sign.
- If Database location changed, current Database was not moved.

Version 6.2 - 20080621

New Features:
- Browser: A background thread keeps generating thumbnails and collecting
  metadata for the not visible files without interrupting the user's workflow. 
  This is very useful for folders with many high-quality image files and/or video 
  files, especially on external drives.
- WebAlbum: A new 3rd style called "direct link" offers the possiblity to directly
  link to each files, which is useful when showing image files in original size.
- CopyTo/MoveTo: When moving multiple files and there is a collision with already
  existing files, then the user can choose to "Overwrite All", "Skip All" or "Rename All".
- CopyTo/MoveTo: Using a new method any copy or move operation is now fast on
  Windows Vista too.
- New RAW Plugin v2.0 to support more RAW formats and improve existing implemenations. 
- Faster smooth scale (zoom in/out) for image files with sizes greater 4000 pixels
  in with or height.
- 5-Star Rating: Now its possible to "unrate" a file and by default new files start

- Viewer Mode: When switching to the next or previous image file, the Quick-Fix
  Tab stays selected, in case it was selected before.
- Crop: The commands 16:9, 4:3, 16:10, 5:4 now use the current selection rectangle
  size and adjust it according to the specified aspect ratio.
- Adjusted zoom steps in zoombar.
- Quicktime: Several improvments for the playback of Quicktime videos, especially
  on Windows Vista.
- 100% Zoom - Button is a "one-click" again.

Bugs Fixed:
- Under certain circumstances a wrong EXIF Date was shown
- Cropping in predefined cm sizes (eg: 9x13) did not work
- Rating files and doing an immediate search in the same folder
  did not **** those rated files.
- FrameCenter: Some Frames were not usable.
- JPEG 2000 files (*.jp2) could not be viewed if opened from
  a read-only device (eg: CD/DVD).
- Resize Image: User could not input ".".
- Send by E-Mail did not work with IncrediMail.
- Some fixes to English/German language files.
- Rename: Was able to enter *, even though not usable.
- Browser: Rating: When rating while a file name filter was active,
  the the wrong files were rated.
- Browser: Rating: Rating was not saved always when rating with the
  drop-down menu. 

Version 6.1 - 20080221

New Features:
- Great speed optimization in browser when sorting/searching files in folder (at startup). 
  Especially notable with many files: For example, a folder with 34.500 PNG files:
  APC 6.0 - up to 45 seconds until content is displayed...
  APC 5.4 - 5 seconds
  APC 6.1 - 1 1/2 seconds!
- In Edit-Mode and in Frame-Center-Mode a transparent raster is occupiing the not drawable
  area in order to ease the working experience.
- File-Information shows easy to use notation for common aspect ratios
  (eg: 1.3333333 is 4:3 and so on).
- BatchRename: The filter is now automatically saved. 

- User is asked to save photo before emailing, in case photo has been
- Viewer/Fullscreen transition effect: Edit-Objects are shown as well during
- Edit Mode: All edit fields have been changed to drop-down-boxes (eg: font size,
  border width, etc).
- Browser: QuickSearch: Now it is possible to search for only 1 character as well.
  Previously at least 2 characters were required to search for.
- Settings: Language: Comment fields are displayed.
- Browser: Search/Sort for folder listing: Does not scan EXIF-Date in JPGs anymore, when
  sort method is "by file date/size/name" in favour of speed.
- WelcomeWizard: When user hits cancel, then dont show the wizard again.
- Registration Window now always stays on top of other windows, so that it can not be
  lost in case other windows are displayed.
- SearchDuplicates: Max files supported increased to 300000.

Bugs Fixed:
- BatchRename and Rename: Prohibits entering characters that are not allowed to be used
  in file names ( /, \, ", :, <, >, ?).
- EditObjects: Arrow and Line tool sometimes disappeard when height or width was 1.
- Browser: Report View: Tooltip did show empty width/height fields.
- Settings: Browser: DB Location field was too short for some path names.
- Crash in Report View when rating files.
- Wizards: SelectFiles: RGBA files had black background instead of pattern.
- EditObjectsOptions: Some drop down boxes were sorting the values in the wrong order.
- Ugly background colors in report view and audio-folder style.
- Print: 32bit RGBA image files not printed correctly (no alpha blending in preview and
  on paper).
- Print: Edit-Objects were not printed at all.
- Browser: Subdirectories not sorted when sorting method was ByExifDate/By5StarRating.
- Color Channel Display Options did not work correctly for RGBA files.
- Problems with 32bit BMP files that did not show anything (invalid alpha channel).
- Browser: Favourites Toolbar: Now owner-drawn on XP too (before only on Vista).
- Browser: File->Open: Complete disalignment of interface elements.
- Pasting a whole new image had no Undo.
- WebAlbum: Outdated APC5 website link.
- Browser: Batch-rotating images should update the currently displayed image as well, 
  in case it was rotated too.
- FolderView: When user selected folder and hit Del-key, it was always routed to the
  currently selected thumbnail/file.
- Browser: When file deleted, then file information field was not cleaned.
- Browser: Playing mp3 file and changing program state resulted in disalignment of some
- Memory waste/crashes with some language files under certain circumstances.
- Faster loading of language files.
- When saving objects in a file format other than apcdoc, then sizes of the objects were wrong.
- Crash when entering fullscreen and image only in memory (eg: just scanned).
- Crash in thumbnail generation with very tall 32bit image files.
- Many fixes to "only one instance" option.
- When far-east language selected, then default to english file name when exporting or
  emailing a PDF file.
- Resize Image: When using cm or inch as unit, then width/height computation was totally
  wrong and resulted in 10000x10000 pixels images.
- BatchRename: Start-Value for counter was ignored.
- Hotkeys for Quick-Fix-Tools did not work.
- Several fixes to english and german language file.
- Browser: Cache: The more files in a folder cached, the longer the initialisation took.
  Fixed so now is on the same speed level as in APC 5.
- Browser: *.apcdoc was missing its own icon.

Version 6.0 - 20071221

New Features:

- Interface Enhancements:
  o All new layout and design by using a modern version of a tabbed interface in 
    order to navigate through the application.
  o Layout Engine allowing the user to adjust the width and height of dialog boxes 
    where appropiate, whereas those changes are preserved automatically to be used 
    when required next time.
  o Vista-Style buttons on XP.
  o Restructured all settings to ease configuration.
  o Basic Wizard-Interface overhauled.

- Quick-Fix Tools:
  o A whole new set of simple to use functions for common tasks to quickly improve a photo:
    - 1-Click Optimize: Bring back powerful colors and correct contrast with a single click!
    - Contrast/Colors: There's always the possibility to fine tune
    - Straighten Line: Easily correct horizonal disalignment
    - Remove Red Eyes
    - And much more: Crop with predefined sizes and aspect ratios, Clone, Erase, lossless
      rotation and other common tasks

- Editable Objects:
  o With APC6, editing has been shifted into a new dimension:
    Now all objects like text, rectangles, arrows, hints, bitmaps and so on can be moved, 
    sized, copied and more as long as the user wants to.
  o Even unlimited undo/redo is possible for every single change.
  o By introducing the new Photo Commander Document Format the user can save those objects 
    in a file to be able to edit those later on.
  o Now its possible to edit Greetings Cards and Frames in an easy manner.

- Browser
  o New additional layout which adds an additional possibility to show metadata (EXIF/IPTC) 
    for image files and codec data for audio and video files.
  o But users can switch back to the classic layout as well.
  o New option to sort by creation date (EXIF Date), which is the date when the photo was 
    originally taken.
  o New possibility to rate each media (image) file with a simple to use 5-Star Rating. Of 
    course it is possible to sort by rating. This way one can quickly **** and sort out the 
    best photos of a series.
  o Graphical facelift for "thumbnails"
  o Options to specify what information to display for each thumbnail (eg, filename, 
    rating, etc).
  o Placeholders for subfolders show up to 4 preview images, if available.
  o Database: 
    - New lossless compression method used for preview images stored in database.
    - Users can configure location of database.
  o QuickSearch:
    - Easily filter the content displayed in the browser's right half by typing a phrase into
      the search box at the top-right.

- FileSearch:
  o Now it is possible to search for files in subfolders as well as to search for data in 
    stored in EXIF and IPTC metadata.

- Capture:
  o All new technology based on Magical Snap 2 technology giving the user the possibility 
    to capture:
    - rectangular shapes
    - free-style shapes
    - fixed shapes
  o Including fancy drop-shadow, edge and shape effects.
  o Full support for Vista with Aero Glass enabled.
  o Full Multi-Monitor support.

- Wizards:
  o All Wizards received graphical facelift and redesign of common GUI-elements.
  o All Wizards automatically include content of subfolders if selected in browser.
  o For all Wizards, in the first screen, files can now be sorted by different types and
    preview images have a greater quality to ease differenciation.
  o Email Files: 
    - New option to send all selected image files in a single pdf file.
    - New hotkey for ease of use: Ctrl+E
  o Batch Process:
    - New option to 1-Click Optimize image files.
  o New: Create Multi-Page PDF Wizard.
  o New: Optimize Photos Wizard to batch-optimize photos.
  o CreateSlideShow: More than one music file configurable.
- Fullscreen
  o New transition effects and new, modern control bar for navigation.

- Support for new Windows HD Photo format (JPEG-XR) (load/save).

- Support for real-time alpha blending of 32bit RGBA image files.

- New transition effect in viewer mode.

- MouseWheel does now zoom in/out by default instead of switching
  to next/previous image. The latter is now done by holding down 
  the Ctrl-key or the left mouse button while scrolling the wheel.
  However, user can configure this behaviour in settings.
- Renamed: Service-Letter, Service-Channel.
- Updated DDS PlugIn (fix to decoding 8bit format).
- Updated CRW PlugIn.
- Delete file/folder confirmation display name of file/folder.
- Default folder on first startup is MyPictures.

Bugs Fixed:
- Vista: SlideShow from CD did not show up at all.
- Vista: When exiting full screen mode then application window
  is maximized again if it was maximized before entering full screen.
- MinimizeToTray: If window was maximized before minimizing then
  it is maximized again on restoring.
- SlideShow from CD: Did not work at all because of missing *.dll.
- AutoPlay XP/Vista: APC was shown in App-Start-Up Dialog but when
  selected did no action.
- PrintDlg: Header text preview did not show & signs.
- SaveJPG: Crash when progressive option selected.
- FileDate: Exif date was shift by 2 hours because of daylight savings
  on some systems.
- Browser:SummaryView: JPG files with invalid but existing EXIF date
  show file date instead.
- Draw Text: Text can now be aligned correctly.
- Save As GIF did not work correctly.

Version 5.3 - 20070416
New Features:
- PDF Export: Save any image as pdf! Additionally you can
  create PDF files with multiple images! To do this simply select 
  the image files in the browser and save as PDF - the application
  will automatically add all image files into a single PDF!
- Improved Canon RAW Decoder PlugIn for better quality output.
- PlugIn Interface: PlugIns can now handle a global
  Initialize/Uninitialize notification.

- Registration key is saved/read to/from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE too.
- English File Menu: Hotkey for exit is X instead of E.

Bugs Fixed:
- Vista: Save As: Did not auto-select previously used folder.
- Vista: Directory View: Personal folders not auto-selected on start up.
- Print: Specified size style in inch always printed with 10x10 inch.
- BatchProcess: Did only extract preview images for formats loaded 
  through a PlugIn.
- Fixed not updating status bar in certain circumstances.
- PrintDlg made app hang on certain configurations.
- PrintDlg: Changing printer settings did not work.
- Setting file associations did not work correctly for users 
  with limited rights.
- DPI was not saved when saving in JPG format with EXIF info.
- Specific TIF with fax compression was shown incorrectly.

Version 5.2 - 20070206
New Features:
- Windows Vista (UAC) compatible.
- Print Dialog:
  o New dialog design for ease of use.
  o New printing technology to greatly reduce memory usage and 
    bandwidth when printing over (W)LAN.
  o New printing style to print big images on multiple pages.
- Re-implemented option to auto-rotate JPG files based on EXIF 
  orientation tag.
- Support for Multi-Monitor systems.
- Faster pencil and arrow tool when used on big images.
- Faster DropShadow effect.

- FreeRotate: Improved entering of degree values.
- Edit->Cut: white background instead of black.
- Some changes to Quicktime 7 usage.
- GIF Decoder: 
  o Animated gif files use smooth-scale too.
  o More memory for files with many frames.
- Calendar Tool uses faster shadow routine.

Bugs Fixed:
- Save As Dialog: Options were not shown when switching
  output format.
- Multi-Monitor:
  o ChooseColorDlg: Was not working when used on other than primary monitor.
  o Some dialog windows always centered on primary monitor.
  o Switching to fullscreen did not work when application was on other
    than primary monitor.

Version 5.1 - 20061031
New Features:
- Support for editing and displaying personal days in the calendar
  creation wizard (eg: birthday, vacation, wedding day).
- Arrow Scroll is back! An option in Settings->MouseTools
  enables the user to replace the Hand Cursor with the Arrow Scroll.
- Side-By-Side comparison dialog for move and copy operations when 
  the destination file already exists.
- CreateHTMLAlbum: Images are auto-converted into the destination
  format and one can specify a maximum width and height for the
- Quick Slide Show Music: Possibility in Settings->Presentation 
  to specify music files (mp3/wma) to be used as background music. 

- Creation of shadow for Callouts greatly improved.
- MouseTools: Default shadow value less dark.
- Settings:Viewer: Intelligent window positioning option splitted
  into two seperate options.
- Full path of media file now shonw in title bar.
- Browser: Tabs: When "Audio Only" is selected, then the audio folder view
  style is used. When "Video Only" is selected, then the summary view
  style is used.
- Quick Slide Show: Automatically skips audio files.
- Browser: Preview area can be moved down to completely hide it.

Bugs Fixed:
- Resize image was killing alpha channel.
- Fix to auto-update thumbnails when thumbnail size has been changed.
- LanguageSelection: Removed grid lines when chinese language selected, as
  grid lines strike through strings because of tall letters.
- Browser: Wrong shadow for 1pixel wide images.
- Calendar: Wrong positions of days when first day of month was a sunday.
- Browser: Preview area was moving down a little on every close.
- Dialogs with background images display correctly on systems with
  big/small fonts configured (other than 96DPI).
- WebAlbum: Created by APC was linking to old APC4 site.
- CopyTo/MoveTo option "skip file" was working incorrectly.
- Fixed for option "Always start in full screen".
- HDR Exposure change was accidentely disabled in 5.0.
- SND: Fix in tag parser with very long tags.

Version 5.0 - 20060925
New Features:
- Faster and easier to use than ever before!
  o Viewing Engine Speed Enhancements:
    o Using an intelligently behaving and automatically updating background cache
      the whole visual experience when working with images of any size is now
      faster, smoother and simply better than ever before.
  o Browse Mode Speed Enhancements:
    o Using a better caching technique the whole thumbnail display is faster.
  o Presentation Mode:
    o Completely new eye pleasing transition effect. 
    o New designed status line
    o MouseTools Bar to edit images in fullscreen.
    o Image/VideoTools Bar for easier navigation.
  o Unlimited Undo/Redo System!
    o No fear - simply everything can be undone.
  o Frame Style Center:
    o All new center to easily enhance photos with predefined masks.
    o Supports artistic picture frames, creative greeting cards
      and modern shapes just waiting for someone to apply them 
      to all the photos.
    o For example, in nearly no time you can create a merry christmas 
      greeting card and send it by e-mail to your family. All from within 
      the same application!
  o Image Adjust Control Center:
    o New sliders to adjust color temperature, hue and saturation.
  o New Effects:
    o Drop Shadow.
    o Radial Blur.
    o Sepia.
  o All new designed MouseTools:
    o NEW: Small help windows explain every tool before using it.
    o NEW: Blurb tool enabling everyone to create cool looking blurbs.
    o NEW: Clone tool to easily retouch and fix areas on your photos.
    o NEW: Erasor tool to eliminate unwanted portions.
    o All tools received quality antialiasing and smooth shadow effect.
    o Added double buffering with permanent backbuffer for a real smooth 
      working experience.
    o All tools do now automatically resize and update when
      the main window is resized/moved or the image is scrolled.
    o All tools can be moved/resized using (shift +) cursor keys.
    o Dimensions of selection now shown in green font above image.
    o New default values for some tools.
    o Removed old scroll tool and replaced it completely with
      hand cursor tool which in turn is now called scroll tool.
    o Select tool received a face lift and helpful quick-command buttons.
    o Draw text tool displays text fully transparent.
  o Wizards:
    o NEW: All new Create Collage Wizard enables everyone to create 
      outstanding artistic collages without having to be a professional artist.
    o NEW: All new Create Calendar Wizard allows to easily create
      state of the art and never seen before high quality 12 month 
      calendars in 3 different styles.
    o NEW: All new Photo Merge Wizard to seemlessly convert two
      photos into one picture with ease.
    O All: Collect files page can now display either thumbnails
      or a simple file listing.
    o All: Collect files page displays file size for each file 
      and computes total file size and total number of files.
    o Slideshow: All new burning technology is used.
    o Burn Images: Completely new done wizard to back up image 
      files on CD/DVD. Including support for the new blu-ray format!
    o BatchProcess: Added option for effect drop shadow.
    o BatchRename: Exchanged position for new and old name
      for easier use.
    o CreateWebAlbum: 
      o Added option to specify the number of rows and in turn 
        automatically support for mutliple pages.
      o Add option for drop shadow.
  o Improved DPI (Printer Resolution) Support:
    o DPI is automatically loaded and saved when using either the
      PNG, JPG or the TIF format.
    o With the new SetDPI Dialog (Shift+I) one can change the DPI.
    o A new print option "Original Size (DPI)" uses the DPI when printing.

- Vastly improved and enhanced interface and appearance!
  o All Dialogs:
    o Checked design and positions of elements where appropiate.
    o Added help button were appropiate.
    o Editfields: Only numbers allowed when required.
  o Skin System:
    o New support for ownerdrawn buttons.
    o Buttons can have small graphics.
    o Menu colors skinnable.
    o Improved color handling with dialogs.
  o IntroWindows for first time users:
    o Added one to explain browse mode.
    o Added one to explain presentation mode.
  o ColorPicker: All new done and super cool (HSV, RGB).
  o MessageBoxes: Added new and colorful YesNo, Ok, OkCancel message boxes.
  o Reworked english language file for better syntax.
  o Reset to factory defaults with a single click on a button.

- Improved format support:
  o JNG:
    o Better decoding support for alpha channel.
    o Full save support including JPG and PNG compression for alpha channel!!
  o VID/SND:
    o Added repeat button to player controls.
  o VID: 
    o GetCodec knows 6.1 surround.
    o Knows FOURCC DivF.
    o Knows FOURCC FMP4.
  o ICO:
    o Added load support for Windows Vista icon files.
  o CRW PlugIn updated:
    o Loads faster.
    o Better support for Canon Raw 2.0 files (eg: Canon EOS 350D).

- Other new features:
  o ZoomBar:
    o More zoom steps (40% and 60%).
    o Automatically updating position indicator.
  o Support for Windows Vista.
  o RegistrationDlg: Completely redesigned and graphically enhanced.
  o Settings:
    o All: Added help button.
    o General: Added reset to factory defaults option.
    o Skin: Configuration improved.

- LanguageDlg displays small country flags for each language.
- Toolbar: when playing audio file the go fullscreen button is hidden.
- Browse: & ampersands in file names are now drawn instead of interpreted.
- Browse: When selecting a folder any currently loaded media file is unloaded.
- CaptureDlg: 
  o Added sliders for shadow configuration.
  o New default values for shadow.
- ImageToolbar: Removed AlphaChannel drop down and integrated it into 
  ColorChannel drop down.
- Image and Canvas Resize: Added max value check.
- Removed option to invert whole selection rectangle. Became useless.
- PNG: Lowered default compression level to favour speed.
- Integrated with Quicktime SDK 7.
- Presentation Mode: New default setting for transition effects to
  only use blend over effect.
- Crop command can be undone now as well.
- MOV/VID: Better computation for poster frame position.
- MOV: Dont autoplay if duration < 3 seconds.

Bugs Fixed:
- PNG: open handle in PNGValidCheck.
- Fix to LMB messages received for invalid buttons.
- Fix to enabled finish button in Wizards.
- Fixed wrong windows size with very wide images.
- Printing: Finally fixed wrong font height/size on printer.
- CaptureDlg: Fixed image shape not working correctly.
- Fixed brush not deleted with dialogs having background image. Removed
  brush completely due to skin system change.
- Fixed problem associating TIF files.
- PNG: Fixed debug crash on save under certain circumstances.
- WMA: Fixed crash in tag parser.
- ImageAdjust: When chaning contrast value gamma was also changed.
- ResizeImgDlg: Fixed rounding error for width/height computation.
- Save: Fixed ImageWasModifiedButNotSaved message pop up even though
  when the image has been saved.
- Save: Overwrite check dialog: Image was always saved!
- BatchProcess: ImageResize: Height field not disabled.
- Browser: Fixed crash when renaming folder and then moving files.

Version 4.0.1 - 20060123
New Features:
- Support for Pepperl+Fuchs Special Capture Mode.
- New Skin: Gray

- Increased the maximum number of files per directory 
  from 50000 to 100000.
- ImageAdjust: The internal Undo mechanism works now only
  in memory instead of using the harddisk - so its faster.
- RedEyeRemove: Colorless option is now less bluish.
- SND: New parser for reading MP3v2 Tags.
- Browser: AudioFolderStyle: All columns are now visible
  by default.
- Browser: FolderView: Better check for when to disable
  the Rename/Delete/Create commands.

Bugs Fixed:
- Effects: Grayscale, Invert and SwapChannel functions did 
  always work on the whole image and ignored a selection.
- Browser: ContextMenu: BrowserStyle was not correctly 
  initialized when AudioFolderStyle set.
- Menu: Fixed RightToLeft Hotkey problem with arabic.
- Browser: AudioFolderStyle: AudioPlayerControls did overlap.
- TIF/FAX: Fixed wrong height resolution with certain
  FAX files.
- The *.fax extension was not shown in browser but
  was able to associate. It is now shown as well.
- Browser: SummaryView: Textlines did overlap.
- Capture: Some images were mirrored on mideast windows
- Fixed bug not correctly selecting default printer.

Version 4.0 - 20051221
New Features:
- All new "**** double and similar Images" Tool:
  o Allows to search for EXACT copies of an Image in ANY file using 
    the full power of the APC Image Codec Engine.
  o Allows exciting possibilities to search for SIMILAR Images in ANY file. 
    For example, it enables you to easily **** all images that show a 
    Sundown or all Screenshots you took last weekend of the same game.
- All new Welcome Wizard!
  o Shows up when starting APC for the first time.
  o Allows to easily configure file type associations.
  o Enables one to choose between Easy and Expert Mode.
- New Browser Style: Audio-Folder!
  o Especially designed for folders full of audio files (mp3, wma, etc)
  o Works like ReportView but shows additional, seperately colored columns 
    filled with audio data like MP3Tags, CodecInfo.
  o Shows Tags found in MP3, WMA and OGG files.
  o Shows Codec Info found in MP3, WMA and OGG files.
  o Counts every file played and stores this info in the cache. So
    it is easy to retrieve the Top25 played audio files etc.
  o Allows sorting by all available columns (eg: Bitrate, Comments, Genre, etc..)
  o What columns to display can be configured.
- Image Adjust Control Center!
  o Enabled/Disabled through a button in the Maintoolbar.
  o Allows to easily adjust red/green/blue components.
  o Allwos to easily adjust brightness/contrast/gamma.
  o Computes modifications immediately in realtime on the whole image.
  o Zooming and Scrolling is possible at the same time too.
  o When making a selection with the Select-Tool then only the
    selected area of the image is affected.
- Red Eye Remove Version 2.0!
  o Way better computation resulting in a smooth computation of the edges.
  o Changing eye color to blue, brown gives way better results now.
  o PreviewWindow uses less CPU and does not flicker anymore.
- Browser: FolderView: All new RightClickMenu:
  o Enables to quickly rename, delete and folder (even it if is
    the currently browsed folder).
  o Easily create a subfolder or start a Slideshow.
- New, easy to use MouseTools!
  o RoundedRect: Quickly draw a rounded Rect with either filled
    background or transparent background. Colors used can be configured
    in the Applications Settings.
  o DrawText: Enables to draw Text with common formatting options like
    - Choose Font and FontColor.
    - Choose FontShadow and FontShadowColor.
    - LeftAligned, Center or RightAligned.
    - Underlined or Crossed Out.
    - Instant Preview while Typing.
  o DrawArrow: Easily point to an area of interest in any image by simply
    left-click and dragging/moving of the MouseCursor! Of course color
    and size of the arrow can be configured.
  o HandCursor: The well known methode for scrolling images is now available
    too for those that do not feel comfortable using the default ScrollCursor
    methode. Through a special option the HandCursor can replace the 
    ScrollCursor permanentely.
- All New Wizards Appearance:
  o All available Tools have been changed accordingly to fit into
    the new, modern Wizard Style.
  o Every Wizard always offers 3 pages: 
      Page 1 - Welcome/Select files
      Page 2 - Configure/Options
      Page 3 - Process/Result
  o Graphically enhanced Appearance and Consistency throughout all
    the Wizards to ease the work.
- Fully working PlugIn System for File Formats:
  o Everyone can create PlugIns for Photo Commander through the
    available SDK.
  o Using the internal PlugIn Manager PlugIns can be easily 
    installed and uninstalled from within the application.
  o PlugIns can only decode or only encode or can do both (Codec).
  o All previous AddOns have been rewritten to work as PlugIn.
- Small face lift for the Browser:
  o Thumbnails do now have a modern shadow and a neater border.
  o Added small Checkmark-Graphics indicating the selection of a thumbnail.
- New Tool for rotating any Image by any Degree in High Quality.
  "Menu->Edit->Modify->Rotate by any Angle"
- Completely new done Capture Wizard offering great features
  and easy of use (incl. Commandline -c for quick starting
  Capture Tool).
- Support for *.MP4 files through Quicktime 7.
- In Viewer Mode: When starting any of the available
  Wizards and a file is loaded then this file is selected automatically.
- Privacy: New option to automatically clear the Browsercache when 
  exiting the Application.
- EmailFiles Wizard: 
  o Added option to Sharpen Image before sending.
  o Bodymsg of the eMail starts with Hi, and has a footer now.
- JPGCleaner Wizard: Added option to convert to Grayscale lossless.
- BatchProcess Wizard: Added button "Use current directory" as output directory.
- CreateHTMLAlbum Wizard:
  o Added option to disable the black border drawn around each thumbnail.
  o Next/Prev/Home Button are not translated to the language used in APC.
  o Next/Prev/Home Button are now shown above the image instead of below.
- ContactSheet Wizard:
  o Added option to print Page Number/Count.
- Added support for MulitmediaKeys: NEXT, BACK, REFRESH, SEARCH.
- Settings: Video Files: Added option to either loop the playing video file
  or switch to the next media file when playing finished.
- Menu:Image:ConvertTo32bit: Deals now with Transparency as well:
  When source image is 1-8bit and has simple transparency this is then
  used to create an alpha channel for the 32bit image.
- CopyTo/MoveTo: Added option to specify what to do when destination
  file already exists: rename, overwrite, skip.
- Changed textcolors for AudioTags when playing MP3, OGG, WMA.
- Browser: Refresh Command does now update the FolderView as well. (good
  when subfolder added or deleted).

- Changed Download AddOns to Download PlugIns as AddOns habe been replaced
  by PlugIns.
- CreateSlideShow Wizard: When selecting Backgroundmusic file the current
  working directory got lost.
- Browser: Calling PrintContactSheet from popup menuitem did not work cause
  of wrong itemID.
- VID/SND: When loading a protected audio/video file a better errmsg is now shown
  telling one to open Windows MEdia Player as a LogIn is required to obtain a license
  to play that content.
- Browser: ReportView: Adjusted colors for columns and filedate, filesize a little.
- Toolbar: BrowserDirectoriesDropdown increased Width in Pixels.
- Browser: ListView: PageUp/PageDown keys work now as in Windows Explorer.
- Browser: ReportView: Filesize is now shown in KB always instead of converting
  to KB/MB/GB as it is easier to distinguish small and big files that way.
- Viewer: When doing Crop Command the previous Viewstyle/Zoom is kept.
- Settings: Added Option to not show the DragDropDialog (Copy here/Move here)
  when doing a drop.
- Fullscreen: It is now possible to configure the Font and Color used to
  display the currently playing/loaded file + info.
- Fullscreen: Videoplaybar completely changed so that it acts as a window
  and this always is visible on top of any other video playing.
- Fullscreen: Videoplaybar covers now full width instead of fixed 800pixel.
- SnapCursorButton is now centered over Toolbarbuttons instead of top-left.
- The first 6 OpenWith Items do now have a hotkey: Alt+Fn, where n is 1-6.
- OpenWith Items do now show associated exe icon in the menu item entry.
- Removed the OpenWithItem ResetAll as it is not neeeded.
- All BrowseForFolder Dialogs that are used when setting a
  new path do now preselect the currently configured path.
- Removed some Menuparsing resulting is faster Menuloading.
- Added Hotkeys for Extract Frame:
  Shift+E = Extract Current Frame.
  Ctrl+Shift+E = Extract All Frames.
- Menu: Added all available MouseTools as Menuitems for easy access
  (beside the access through the image toolbar).
- Browser: Favourites Menu: Removed DeleteAll Entry as it is not needed.
- when switching to application set focus to listview.
- Interfaced with LibZ 1.2.3.
- Interfaced with LibPNG 1.2.8.
- Settings: Changed Configuration of the visible Toolbarbuttons to
  use a ReportView instead of Checkboxes.
- Added some workaround for DIVX6 files so that one can still
  use the left mousebutton for doubleclicks, window dragging etc
  as by default DivX6 catches those messages.
- extension *.fax is now registered as well when associating TIF.

Bugs Fixed:
- Browser: Thumbnails for JPG files were showing slightly wrong width/height
  with some JPG files caused by scaling rounding.
- Browser: **** Function did always skip those files in the lower end of the list
  that were covered by the amount of subdirectories that were displayed.
- FATAL BUG: Every visited directory was made undeletable when viewing with
  APC even if switching to other directory. Only closing APC made the directories
  deletable again. This has now been fixed. It was caused by the DirectoryWatch
- Browser: After rename refresh thumbnail.
- TIF: fixed crash with 16bit palette.
- TIF: fixed crash with 10/12bit and wrong errcheck.
- TIF: fixed crash with Grayscale 16bit plane.
- Browser: Fixed some flickering when deleting many files.
- Option OnlyOneInstance enabled and loading file from other directory
  while browser active.
- Ctrl+MouseWheel (=Zoom) was active when Audiofile was loaded.
- Settings: Option MinimizeToSysTray was not saved correctly!
- Browser: Fixed 100% CPU Hang Bug when selecting Thumbnails + holding down 
  Shift key + scrolling with the MouseWheel!
- ImageContextMenu was not disabling Commands ViewFileInfo and FileDate when
  displaying an image that resides only in memory (eg: Paste from Clipboard).
- ContactSheet Wizard: When selecting less than all 3 File Options (Filename, 
  Filesize, Filedate) then those selected were not printed correctly.
- Browser: Removed some flickering caused by addtional redraws when moving/deleting
  files via drag&drop.
- Browser: If file with unknown extension is to be added it is added to end of 
  the list instead of skipping it.
- MouseTools disabled except Scrolling when ViewImageAsTileMap or playing 
- Browser: *.3gp was not detected as video extension.
- CopyTo/MoveTo Dlg: Fixed small problem selecting new folder.
- ResizeCanvasDlg did not initialize BackgroundcolorBox.
- Browser: Fixed long delay and 100% cpu when starting a drag operation 
  and many files in directory.
- Browser: Ctrl+Click on Thumbnails does now work as in Windows Explorer.
- Dropping files on viewer that miss a filenameextension (or have an unknown 
  one)are displayed now and are shown in browser file listing as well.
- Fixed bug extracting current frame for animated GIF.
- MultiMediaKeys do now work under all circumstances (Browser/Viewer).
- Typos in English Language file.
- Settings: Presentation Tab: Transitioneffects Combo Box was not
  initialized correctly when activating this tab.

Version 3.5 - 20050609
New Features:
- Extract Current Frame functionality for most video and 
  animated files!
- New MouseTool: Red Eye Remove!
- MouseTool: Selection has been redone: Selection keeps now 
  position when scrolling/zooming and is easier to use!
- FileDate Tool for easily changing the filedate/time.
  Can be used to set EXIF Date to file date!
- Completely new designed RegistrationDialog to make it
  less confusing and easier to use.
- New SetWallpaper-Option: Fit To Screen
 (Does auto-resize the image to best fit to desktop)
- FileInfoDlg: Now it is possible to edit JPG Comments.
- New Tool: JPG Comment: Change/Add JPG Comment to several
  JPG Files.
- Big Design Change for main menu to make it easier and less
- ResizeDlg: Now it is possible to set new width/height in
  cm, inch and percent.
- Menu: Added Internet->Download Addons.
- All major Dialogs received a small design change: 
  Always show 3 buttons "Start", "Close / Cancel", "Help"
  on top right of the Dialog.
- Associations: It is now possible to register APC with
  Windows XP AutoPlay 2! This allow the application to 
  be executed when inserting a CD with image files or
  connecting your digital camera via USB etc...
- Registers with STI as well, so that APC appears when starting
  a Scan Command on your Scanner!
- Improved CRW/RAW Addon (Version 1.5):
 - Loadsupport for Nikon RAW Images (*.nef)
 - Loadsupport for Canon RAW Version 2 (*.cr2)
 - New, fast Decoderfunction for preview images for *.crw + *.cr2,
 - Shows some EXIF-like Data for *.crw + *.cr2 in SummaryView
   (Make, Model, Date).
- All new done Effect/Filter System:
 - All previous Effects are now faster and use less memory.
 - The black-border-bug in blur effect is fixed.
 - New Effects: Emboss, EdgeDetection, Outline, Erosion,
   Dilation, BlurStrong, SharpenStrong.
 - All effects are now applied only to the selected area,
   if a selection has been made!!!

- default path for all tools is now User's MyFiles folder.
- Updated to new Platform and DirectX SDK.
- New default values: SummaryView, Thumbsize: 170x144.
  Default compression: None (Lossless) instead of JPG (lossy).
- Auto-Apply of Sharepnfilter on preview image to improve
- Removed GdiFlush occurences.
- Shift+Del does now delete without recycle bin.
- SummaryView: JPG Comments are now shown as well!
- EXIF: JPG: If make/model empty, use software string if not empty.
- ExtractFrames menu item added to Edit menu.
- SharpenEffect new hotkey: Shift+N.
- Resize und ResizeCanvas : Added Helpbutton.
- ExtractFrames: Added Helpbutton.
- SelectToolContextMenu has effect entries for quick access.
- Grayscale is a little faster.
- Menu/Toolbar: All Rotate/Flip Commands received addtional text
  "lossless for JPG", to make it less confusing.
- Quality for Thumbnailcompressiontype JPG changed to 90 (prev: 85)
- Errormessage "Watermark requires 32bit image" in BatchProcess
  is now translateable.
- The Associtaions for "Browse with Ashampoo Photo Commander"
  are now translateable!
- MainToolbar: New Button "Fullcreen" added.
- Many changes in English/German language files.
  (Improvements, Consistency, Mnemonik)
- AboutDlg: BuyNow button changed to "Todays Offer" button.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed crash in SetJPGComment with specific JPG files.
- Crash in PrintContactSheet when Col / Row edit fields empty.
- EXIF: Fixed wrong flash used.
- ExtractFrames: MOV files: Warningbox was active! + missing errcheck!
- Win2kSkin Player.bmp was not 32bit, so no controls drawn on Win2k!
- Fixed crash in LoadMOVThumb with specific MOV files.
- OpenDlg Preview: For all formats, that use a preview image
  have now shown the original width/height.
- PCD: The original width/height was not used during loading.
- Error message "Unable to open DBI File": Added additional
  check to catch and prevent this error message.
- JPG EXIF DPI was alway 0 !!!
- Settings: Database sometimes overwrote settings for
  Mousetools on exit!
- FileAssociations wrote wrong value for "PerceivedType"
  in Registry.
- CreateImage + ResizeCanvas missed F1-Help-function.
- FileInfo: Hidden/Read-Only Checkboxes were not
  initialized correctly when opening more than once.

Version 3.02 - 20050413
- several changes/bugfixes

Version 3.00 - 20050401
* birthday