Standart Javascript slayt kodunu arkaplan yapma

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8 Ağustos 2007
Reaksiyon puanı
Arkadaşlar elimde bir javascript dosyası var. Dosya verdiğim resimleri slayt olarak yayınlıyor ama ben istiyorumki bu slayt hücre içinde değilde hücrenin arkaplanı olarak çalışsın bende hücrenin içine koymak istediğim şeyleri koyayım.

Slayt scriptnin çalışması için sayfaya eklediğim kod aşağıda. Bu kodu nasıl eklersem hücrenin içinde değilde arkaplanında çalışır.


   <!-- ******************************************************** -->         <!-- BEGIN CODE TO COPY INTO THE HEAD SECTION OF YOUR WEBPAGE -->         <!-- ******************************************************** -->                  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/blades.css" type="text/css" />                  <script src="js/jquery-1.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>         <script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script>         <script src="js/jquery.clip-animation.js" type="text/javascript"></script>         <script src="js/jquery.blades-banner.js" type="text/javascript"></script>                  <script type="text/javascript">                          /* ********************* */             /* BEGIN BANNER SETTINGS */             /* ********************* */             var settings = {                                  /* The image width */                 width: 980,                                   /* The image height */                 height: 430,                                  /* The amount of columns to use for the square grid */                  cols: 7,                                  /* The amount of rows to use for the square grid */                  rows: 3,                                   /* Choose to autoplay the banner, true/false */                 autoPlay: true,                                  /* Choose to randomize the slide order, true/false */                 randomizeSlides: false,                                  /* The "break apart" square padding */                 thumbSpacing: 10,                                  /* The delay between slide transitions in milliseconds if autopay is set to true */                 slideDelay: 4000,                                  /* Choose to use arrow buttons, true/false */                  useArrows: true,                                  /* The padding for the arrow buttons in relation to the bottom right and bottom left corners of the banner */                  arrowPadding: 5,                                   /* Options are "whiteFlash", "basicFade", "whiteFlashRandom", "basicFadeRandom", "colorsRandom" */                 transitionType: "colorsRandom",                                  /* For slides that are hyperlinked, options are "parent" (same window) and "blank" (new window) */                 linkTarget: "blank"                              };                          /* ************************ */             /* BEGIN DEVELOPER SETTINGS */             /* ************************ */             jQuery(document).ready(function() {                                  jQuery.blades(settings);                 settings = null;                              });                  </script>                  <!-- ****************************************************** -->         <!-- END CODE TO COPY INTO THE HEAD SECTION OF YOUR WEBPAGE -->         <!-- ****************************************************** -->[B]

<!-- ******************************************************** -->         <!-- BEGIN CODE TO COPY INTO THE BODY SECTION OF YOUR WEBPAGE -->         <!-- ******************************************************** -->         <div id="cj-banner">                          <ul>                                  <!-- ***************** -->                 <!-- BEGIN BANNER ITEM -->                 <!-- ***************** -->                                  <!-- "title" = the url of your banner image -->                 <li title="images/1.jpg">                                          <!-- "class" options are "align-left" and "align-right", thsese are the text-align options -->                     <!-- "title" attribute is optional.  If added it will link the entire slide to the url entered -->                     <ul class="align-left" title="Nawaza Co.">                                                  <!-- ********************************* -->                         <!-- DELETE THE LIST ITEMS FOR NO TEXT -->                         <!-- ********************************* -->                                                  <!-- The "class" here stores the x (first value) and y (second value) position of your text -->                         <!-- The style properties are for unique background and text colors per slogan -->                         <li class="20x100" style="background-color: [URL=]#000000[/URL] color: #FFFFFF">Turizm</li>                         <li class="20x155" style="background-color:  [URL=]#000000[/URL] color: #FFFFFF"><a href="#">detayları  inceleyiniz...</a></li>                                              </ul>                                  </li>                 <!-- *************** -->                 <!-- END BANNER ITEM -->                 <!-- *************** -->                                  <li title="images/2.jpg">                                          <ul class="align-right">                                                  <li class="20x20" style="background-color: [URL=]#000000[/URL] color: #FFFFFF">Mobilya</li>                                                                       </ul>                                  </li>                                  <li title="images/3.jpg">                                          <ul class="align-left" title="#">                                                  <li class="20x20" style="background-color: [URL=]#000000[/URL] color: #FFFFFF">Cleanvac</li>                                                                       </ul>                                  </li>                  <li title="images/4.jpg">                                          <ul class="align-right">                                                  <li class="20x20" style="background-color: [URL=]#000000[/URL] color: #FFFFFF">Ticaret</li>                         <li class="20x75" style="background-color: [URL=]#FFFFFF[/URL] color: #000000"></li>                                              </ul>                                  </li>                              </ul>                          <!-- If JavaScript is disabled, we'll just display the first image -->             <noscript>                              <img src="images/1.jpg" width="980" height="430" alt="BLADES jQuery Banner Rotator" />                          </noscript>                  </div>                  <!-- ****************************************************** -->         <!-- END CODE TO COPY INTO THE BODY SECTION OF YOUR WEBPAGE -->         <!-- ****************************************************** -->[B]


19 Mart 2011
Reaksiyon puanı
bunu ben biliyom ama 10000tl karşılığında veririm gerekli kodu.:) ah güzel ülkem..

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