Kaspersky ve Panda tarafından tanımlanan ve Both Sinowal.FY and Gpcode.a adını alan yeni truva atı, bulaştığı bilgisayarın dosyalarını RSA-409 algoritması ise şifreleyip, şifre için kurbandan 300$ istiyor, her 30 dakikada bir şifrelenen dosyaların bir kısmını siliyor ve fiyat düşüyor, zararlının en son teklifi ise $10.99. Kaspersky Zararlı Araştırmacısı Aleks Gostev Kaspersky tarafından zararlının yakalandığını ve silindiğini, ancak zararlı tarafından şifrelenen dosyaları açıcak bir çözüm bulamadıklarını ve bunun üzerinde çalıştıklarını belirtti. Zararlının kurbanına gösterdiği mesaj ise şu şekilde;
Hello, your files are encrypted with RSA-4096 algorithm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA).
You will need at least few years to decrypt these files without our software. All your private information for last 3 months were collected and sent to us.
To decrypt your files you need to buy our software. The price is $300.
To buy our software please contact us at [e-mail address varies] and provide us with your personal code [code varies]. After successful purchase we will send your decrypting tool, and your private information will be deleted from our system.
If you will not contact us until 07/15/2007 your private information will be shared and you will lost all your data.
Glamorous team
P.S. All your base… ah, nevermind.
Kaynak- Alinti
Hello, your files are encrypted with RSA-4096 algorithm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA).
You will need at least few years to decrypt these files without our software. All your private information for last 3 months were collected and sent to us.
To decrypt your files you need to buy our software. The price is $300.
To buy our software please contact us at [e-mail address varies] and provide us with your personal code [code varies]. After successful purchase we will send your decrypting tool, and your private information will be deleted from our system.
If you will not contact us until 07/15/2007 your private information will be shared and you will lost all your data.
Glamorous team
P.S. All your base… ah, nevermind.
Kaynak- Alinti