Windows Live Messenger Installation Error 1601, 1603 & 1635

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18 Ağustos 2007
Reaksiyon puanı
Windows Live Messenger Kurulum Hatası 1601, 1603 & 1635

Windows Live Messenger'ı kurarken yukarıdaki hatalardan birini alırsanız, ilk mesajda bulunan Windows Installer CleanUp Utility'i yükleyip çalıştırdıktan sonra, listeden Windows Live Messenger'ı bulup kaldırınız ve yeniden kurmayı deneyiniz.

Bu işe yaramazsa aşağıdaki adımları uygulayınız:

---Disk sürücülerinizde yeterince boş alan olduğundan emin olunuz, daha fazla yer açmaya çalışınız.

---Temp klasörünüzü boşaltınız. Genellikle 'C:\Windows\Temp\' klasörünün ve 'C:\Documents and Settings\TaLHa\Local Settings\Temp' klasörlerinin içlerini boşaltmanız yeterlidir. Not: 'Talha' yerine, kendi Windows oturum açma adınızı girmelisiniz. Aşağıda bu işlemlerin nasıl yapılacağı daha detaylı bir şekilde anlatılmıştır:
Clean the Temp Directory

Document ID: Q108334
Last Revised On: 3/6/2003


The Temp directory is a folder used to store temporary files. When a program ends, the temporary files are deleted. However, sometimes these files are not deleted, for example, when a program is exited improperly. Cleaning, or deleting, the contents of the Temp directory frees up space on your hard disk.

To clean your Temp directory, you first need to determine its ******** on your hard drive. Then, you'll delete the contents of the directory using a MS-DOS command or through Windows Explorer.
Determine the ******** of the Temp directory
  1. Select Start > Run.
  2. Launch the MS-DOS prompt:
    • If your using Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows XP, type cmd.
    • If your using Windows 95, 98 or ME, type
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Command Prompt window, type set.
  5. Press Enter.
  6. Write down the ******** for TEMP.
Delete the contents of the Temp directory.
Choose one of the following methods to delete the contents of the Temp directory.
Note: Do not delete the Temp directory itself. Delete only the files and folders in the directory.
  1. Using a MS-DOS Command
    1. Click Start > Run.
    2. Type deltree /y temp_directory_********\*.*. For example:
      deltree /y C:\Windows\Temp\*.*
      temp_directory_******** is the ******** of the Temp directory.
  2. Through Windows Explorer
    1. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop or select Start > Explore.
    2. Navigate to the ******** of the Temp directory, for example, C:\Windows\Temp.
    3. Select Edit > Select All.
    4. Select File > Delete.
    5. Click Yes or Yes to All in the dialog that appears.

--- Arka planda çalışan programları kapatınız. CTRL + ALT + DEL tuşlarına basıp Görev Yöneticisi'ni çalıştırdıktan sonra ilgili uygulamayı seçip sonlandırabilirsiniz:
Close Applications Running in the Background

Document ID: Q108377
Last Revised On: 3/25/2003

When running an installation on your computer, it is important to close all applications to make sure there is no interference. Applications running in the background can often interfere with an installation and cause it to error out. Some of the most common applications running in the background that are known to interfere with installations are antivirus software, the IntelliMouse application, and audio players. Most of these applications appear in the System Tray on the Desktop.

Start by closing all applications in the System Tray, e.g., your antivirus application and follow up by closing applications that appear in the Task Manager.
  1. To close an application that appears in the System Tray, right click on the application icon and look for options to close or disable the application. The following figure shows a demonstration.
    • Some applications give you the option to exit as show in the figure below.
    • Some applications, such as antivirus software, allow you to disable the application temporarily.
  2. Not all applications appear in the system tray, so you can launch the Task Manager to make sure all applications are closed. To launch the Task Manager, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and click on Task Manager.
    • Select the Applications tab and look for applications that appear under the Task column.
    • Right-click on the application you want to close and select End Task.

--Bilgisayarınızı yeniden başlatın, kurmaya çalıştığınız programın kurulumunu yeniden başlatın. (Windows Live Messenger)

Windows Installer CleanUp Utility - MsXLabs

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