Mahkemede On Üç Gün

Bu konuyu okuyanlar

Berkin Bozdoğan

18 Mayıs 2005
Reaksiyon puanı
Ünlü paylaşım sitesi The Pirate Bay'in sahipleri hakkındaki dava sonuca varmak üzere. Önümüzdeki on üç gün boyunca mahkemede neler olacak? The Pirate Bay yöneticilerini neler bekliyor.

Paylaşım sitesi ve Torrent kullanıcılarının uğrak noktası The Pirate Bay isimli internet sitesi, İsveç'te telif hakkı sahiplerinin  gazabına uğramış durumda. En nihayetinde mahkemeye taşınan davada, sitenin sahipleri sadece telif hakkı ihlalinden değil, bu ihlal vasıtasıyla para kazanmaktan da suçlanıyorlar. Önümüzdeki on üç gün boyunda, 16 Şubat'a kadar mahkemesi sürecek dört sanık için, hak sahiplerinin temsilcileri her sanığın hapse girmesi yönünde taleplerde bulunmuş durumda.
Garip Zarar Hesabı

Konuda daha fantastik bir durum var ki eklemeden geçmeyelim: Telif hakkı sahipleri, The Pirate Bay aracılığıyla indirilen her dosya için 23,5 Euro tazminat istiyorlar. Olağan şartlarda buradan indirilen içeriğin yasal olarak satılan kopyalarındaki fiyatlar bile bu düzeyde değil.

:: The Pirate Bay kapanırsa diğerleri de yasal paylaşıma döner mi?

Bilgi için: The Pirate Bay
Yazan: Berkin Bozdoğan


10 Aralık 2008
Reaksiyon puanı
0 şu sayfalarında firmalardan gelen illegal dosyaları kaldırma uyarıları var. Hepsine ters cevaplar vermiş thepiratebay. Üstüne üstlük bide bunları sitelerinde yayınlıyorlar :)

Bu sefer gerçekten göte gelmiş durumdalar sanırım.


5 Aralık 2008
Reaksiyon puanı
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 18:21:43 -0100 (GMT)
From: anakata
To: [email protected][/email]
Subject: Re: Unauthorized Use of DreamWorks SKG Properties

On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 [email protected] wrote:

> Dennis L. Wilson, Esq.
> 9720 Wilshire Blvd., Penthouse Suite
> Beverly Hills, CA 90212
> Tel: (310) 248-3830
> Fax: (310) 860-0363
> August 23, 2004
> Box 1206
> Stockholm 11479
> [email protected]
> Re: Unauthorized Use of DreamWorks SKG Properties
> To Whom It May Concern:
> This letter is being written to you on behalf of our
> client, DreamWorks SKG (hereinafter ^ÓDreamWorks^Ô).
> DreamWorks is the exclusive owner of all copyright,
> trademark and other intellectual property rights in
> and to the ^ÓShrek 2^Ô motion picture. No one is
> authorized to copy, reproduce, distribute, or
> otherwise use the ^ÓShrek 2^Ô motion picture without
> the express written permission of DreamWorks.
> As you may be aware, Internet Service Providers can
> be held liable if they do not respond to claims of
> infringement pursuant to the requirements of the
> Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). In
> accordance with the DMCA, we request your assistance
> in the removal of infringements of the ^ÓShrek 2^Ô
> motion picture from this web site and any other sites
> for which you act as an Internet Service Provider.
> We further declare under penalty of perjury that we
> are authorized to act on behalf of DreamWorks and
> that the information in this letter is accurate.
> Please contact me immediately to discuss this matter
> further.

As you may or may not be aware, Sweden is not a state in the United States
of America. Sweden is a country in northern Europe.
Unless you figured it out by now, US law does not apply here.
For your information, no Swedish law is being violated.

Please be assured that any further contact with us, regardless of medium,
will result in
a) a suit being filed for harassment
b) a formal complaint lodged with the bar of your legal counsel, for
sending frivolous legal threats.

It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are ....... morons, and
that you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons.

Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on

Go fuck yourself.

Polite as usual,

Çok şekilli cevap vermiş DreamWorks e :E:E

[QUOTE]Subject: Re: Illegal Dissemination of Apple Intellectual Property
From: anakata
To: [email protected]

> April 21, 2005
> Fredrik Neij
> Registrant of
> Re: Apple Intellectual Property Disseminated by
> Dear Mr. Neij:
> We represent Apple Computer, Inc. On or before April 21, 2005, the
> site was in the process of distributing and/or
> facilitating the distribution of a misappropriated copy of an
> unreleased version of Apple's operating system software, Tiger 10.4,
> Build 8A428. The software constitutes an Apple trade secret and is
> copyrighted.

Awh, come on, I've heard the expression "a few bad apples", but this is
just ridiculous.

> Apple has a well-known, longstanding policy of closely guarding
> information about its unreleased products as trade secrets.

I've heard that before somewhere. I just can't remember where...

> We demand that you immediately disable the torrent and/or tracker and
> prevent further distribution of Apple's trade secret and copyrighted
> material.

We demand that you provide us with entertainment by sending more legal
threats. Please?

> Apple further demands that you provide us with all information
> relating to the posting of torrents enabling the distribution of Mac
> OS X Tiger, Build 8A428, including all log files and tracker files
> associated with such torrents. Apple also demands all information
> related to the identity of the persons who created such torrent files
> and/or who uploaded the software referenced by those torrent files, as
> well as the identities of all individuals who participated in the
> uploading and downloading of Apple's software. If you fail to
> maintain the evidence of this illegal activity, you will be subject to
> severe sanctions. In particular, if you destroy or hide any evidence,
> you will be subject to civil and criminal penalties. Please produce
> all requested information by the end of the day, Friday, April 22,
> 2005.

Even if we had that information, which we don't, do you really think we
would provide it to you?

> Builds of unreleased Apple software are distributed under strict
> confidentiality agreements. Your torrent site appears to be engaged
> in a practice of soliciting and disseminating Apple trade secrets.
> This practice is grounds for both civil and criminal liability. To
> avoid further liability, you must refrain from inducing the breach of
> any Apple confidentiality agreements, soliciting Apple trade secrets,
> and distributing Apple trade secrets on your site.

...Or what? You and Hans Brix will send us angry letters? Fortunately
for you, we don't keep sharks as pets.

> Apple is prepared to take further actions to stop the sites illegal
> activities, and Apple expressly reserves its rights. I am available
> to discuss this matter at any time. If you are represented by counsel
> in this matter, please provide me with the identity of that counsel.

Instead of simply recommending that you sodomize yourself with a
retractable baton, let me recommend a specific model - the ASP 21". The
previous lawyers tried to use a cheaper brand, but it broke during the

> Sincerely,
> Ian Ramage
> OMelveny & Myers LLP
> Embarcadero Center West
> 275 Battery Street, Suite 2600
> (415) 984-8783 (direct)
> (415) 984-8701 (fax)
> [email protected]
> This message and any attached documents contain information from the
> law firm of OMelveny & Myers LLP that may be confidential and/or
> privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not read,
> copy, distribute, or use this information. If you have received this
> transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply
> e-mail and then delete this message.

It's OK with you that we post this message on ? Because I just did, and I'm so
afraid of you and your nice titles and shiny offices :-(.

Apple a da aynı şekilde :D özellikle son cumleye koptum :D