- Katılım
- 13 Haziran 2008
- Mesajlar
- 17,955
- Reaksiyon puanı
- 351
- Puanları
- 3,263
AnophiA Ekim 2008'de Alper Arif Zorer ve Sinan Pınarbaşıoğlu tarafından kuruldu. Özge Özer, Ulaş Çınarlı ve Temur Reşber'in katılmasıyla beste çalışmalarına başladılar. Grup şu sıralar Üniversitelere özel festival olan YARISfest'e katılmak için hazırlık yapıyor. Gruba bu festivalde destek vermek isteyenler http://www.yarisfest.com/grup/goster/id/52 adresinden ulaşabilirler. (Arkadaşlarımıza destek olanlara şimdiden çok teşekkürler.)
I've nothing to say for my old failures
I've already paid with my own nightmares
This is the voice of my awakening under the oceans
You can't cheat me again i've got my heart's pieces
If you want to watch me dying, I have already dead
Now, from my ashes I was reborn
You couldn’t witness all of these changes
Happened in me with the speed of light
I've nothing to say for my old failures
I've already paid with my own nightmares
I believed every lie with my all nakedness
Now we're in a game but this time you are losers
A silly peon fights his way all through the hordes
I swimmed to the land of truth from the sea of lies
Your thoughts are worth for me: as some puke in the dust
Inevitable check-mate, this game is over now
I've nothing to say for my old failures
I've already paid with my own nightmares
Bilgiler Alıntıdır
AnophiA Ekim 2008'de Alper Arif Zorer ve Sinan Pınarbaşıoğlu tarafından kuruldu. Özge Özer, Ulaş Çınarlı ve Temur Reşber'in katılmasıyla beste çalışmalarına başladılar. Grup şu sıralar Üniversitelere özel festival olan YARISfest'e katılmak için hazırlık yapıyor. Gruba bu festivalde destek vermek isteyenler http://www.yarisfest.com/grup/goster/id/52 adresinden ulaşabilirler. (Arkadaşlarımıza destek olanlara şimdiden çok teşekkürler.)
I've nothing to say for my old failures
I've already paid with my own nightmares
This is the voice of my awakening under the oceans
You can't cheat me again i've got my heart's pieces
If you want to watch me dying, I have already dead
Now, from my ashes I was reborn
You couldn’t witness all of these changes
Happened in me with the speed of light
I've nothing to say for my old failures
I've already paid with my own nightmares
I believed every lie with my all nakedness
Now we're in a game but this time you are losers
A silly peon fights his way all through the hordes
I swimmed to the land of truth from the sea of lies
Your thoughts are worth for me: as some puke in the dust
Inevitable check-mate, this game is over now
I've nothing to say for my old failures
I've already paid with my own nightmares
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